Oh no! Sry my stupidity. I forgot. Should i just get full trangs and hexfire and cast fire wall and meteor on them? What would be the best choice?|||Uh... if you're a summoner and want to duel, you raise a bunch of corpses with pre-buff gear, stack up on %DR, resistance, and FCR, and then go around tele-stomping with 'Enigma'. I don't really recommend smacking people with the axe because you're never going to kill anyone unless they let you. Same goes for Fire Wall and Meteor... they aren't going to kill anyone.|||If u dont have enigma dont even try summonerduels. U will get raped and visciously too!
Summonerduels dont work good. U could just try to max all summoning, get like 400 revives+skels, get beast or something as wespon with merc with nice infinity and just jump sosos.|||the main problem with summoning for duels is: every time you die, you need to go and re-summon.
the other problem is: you're likely to get NK'd until you run outta gold.
bottom line: Skelly'necs make better goldfinders than duellers.|||skellynecs are fun to duel with, but yeah, it's a pain to find the corpses to raise minions.
However, another up side is that it's one of the few builds that is both pvp and pvm viable without having to switch gears in between.
-Kinky|||If you are a summon necro then yes you may use summons. dont try it without enigma though like the others said. Try trading in that beast for a low enigma dusk shroud or breast plate.
1 more thing. If you play it right (and BM), and are perfectly equiped, you will be able to kill almost all characters possible in the game with a summoner (unless fighting another summoner). Noone can beat 40+ revives ~40 skeles along with a faith rogue merc or Pride/might town gaurd merc.
Lower resist/decrepify/amplify damage. Sorcs dont have enough health to last even 1 telestomp or blobshoot. fire/cold/lightning immune monsters for fire/cold/lightning sorcs. Iron maiden + prison/wall for melee barbs. 40 urdars for smiters/zealers/hammerdins. Wind druids will be hard because you cant blobshoot them effectively and telestomping them is risky. Use Cold Immune monsters. I could go on =)|||Quote:
If you are a summon necro then yes you may use summons. dont try it without enigma though like the others said. Try trading in that beast for a low enigma dusk shroud or breast plate.
1 more thing. If you play it right (and BM), and are perfectly equiped, you will be able to kill almost all characters possible in the game with a summoner (unless fighting another summoner). Noone can beat 40+ revives ~40 skeles along with a faith rogue merc or Pride/might town gaurd merc.
Lower resist/decrepify/amplify damage. Sorcs dont have enough health to last even 1 telestomp or blobshoot. fire/cold/lightning immune monsters for fire/cold/lightning sorcs. Iron maiden + prison/wall for melee barbs. 40 urdars for smiters/zealers/hammerdins. Wind druids will be hard because you cant blobshoot them effectively and telestomping them is risky. Use Cold Immune monsters. I could go on =)
Blobshoot? Sounds like something nasty.|||blobshoot is basicly getting alot of revives so that your minions glitch when you tele. Your minions will stay on top of you when you have alot of revives untill you move by walking/running. The melee minions wont attack but the ranged ones will, including your faith wearing rogue and mages.

Uh... if you're a summoner and want to duel, you raise a bunch of corpses with pre-buff gear, stack up on %DR, resistance, and FCR, and then go around tele-stomping with 'Enigma'. I don't really recommend smacking people with the axe because you're never going to kill anyone unless they let you. Same goes for Fire Wall and Meteor... they aren't going to kill anyone.
This cowers it, decre and start stomping!|||IMO a pure summoner is inferior to a BM bonemancer. A BM bonemancer is much more effective at telestomp and is just as hard to hit. Max block, bone prison/wall, huge irresistible magic damage makes for a tough duel. I play as a BvC and he's godly until he meets one of these. I have yet to beat one...
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