Thursday, April 19, 2012

wow should i remake?

I made a pvp hammerdin for the first time. I followed the 1v7 hammerdin guide in the stickies and your strength is supposed to be high enough to wear COA which is pretty heavy for a helmet. I completley overestimated how high it would be to wear it though, as I ended up putting 115 base points into strength. Now at level 79, I have 220 points in strength and the number will only go up as I plan to get to 92. So basically, I'm eating about 75+ un-needed points into strength that I could've easily used for vitality, coupled with the gear and I'm worried I simply won't have enough life to survive in PvP.

I underestimated the huge strength bonuses you get from enigma, torch, anni etc.

At the same time, this guy has taken me forever to level up this high. I don't have any friends to play with so I do most of the questing alone. Is there anyway I can salvage this character?? |||I'd suggest a rebuild. In pvp every little bit helps|||Damn. This is going to be a pain lol.

Aside from too much strength the dexterity/energy are good. Just enough for 75% block and none in energy. I'm just kicking myself over those extra points I placed into strength.|||Deleted character. This thread can be deleted.|||Quote:

Deleted character. This thread can be deleted.

I'll just close it And yes, it's a good idea to remake the paladin. Another thing for you to consider is a coa with a ber and a -req jewel with fhr and additional mods. 148 str req and you hit 86 fhr with just coa and spirit.

edit: thread open again |||In the 1v7 Hammerdin guide it suggests placing your remaining points into lightning resist for the added max light resists which is of obvious importance. However, wouldn't putting those points into holy shield make more sense? Your light stack should be plenty without needing increased max% light resist and IMO the points saved in dexterity/increased defense greatly make up for it when dueling melee characters.

Although now that I think of it you're mainly using the holy shield for its increased blocking, possibly longer duration as that could be a pain. Most characters you'll face will be casters and there are a lot of physical hitting spells that don't take defense into account (nado's and smite for example are both very popular).

Finally. Holy shield has really bad returns after a certain point. With all the +skills you have you can easily reach 30+ blocking with little points into it. All this being said, I love it and don't know if the increased max light resists are worth it.

Edit: Thanks again mike for re-opening it. It is 6:21 A.M. and I've pulled an all nighter playing D2, the coffee icon is fitting |||I think that really depends on dueling environment. The Light res focus certainly helps vs any teams with foh, CS, light sorc, trappers, etc. Melee, definitely going to help vs a barb, but you're a hdin already |||IMO I feel the +max light resists can easily be gained by simple gear switch. I don't really plan to 1v7 to be honest, I just like to know I would have a better chance to if I had to. Tgods could easily be worn, or even something like guardian angel. I could switch for a FCR ring/ammy etc. and with having desynch charge I'm not as dependent on enigma to be a competent dueler.

Also as to your last statement, I take offense to Hdins > BvC's. My main character is a BvC and I find hammerdins to be one of the easier duels the majority of the time.

BTW: I'm neither offended nor do I wish to derail my own thread. I just like BvC's and am hoping I will end up liking this hammerdin more. This is why I'm nitpicking so much.|||After some number crunching I decided I could split the 16 hard points between the two. 6 points into Holy shield and 10 into resist lightning. With my plus skills I can reach 34-35+ blocking to holy shield with only 6 hard points added to it (probably less, but my gear isn't perfect) and the 10 would put me at a solid 80 without gear changes which IMO is plenty. Anymore then that I'd have to break out Tgods.

Also figured out that my fire resists is ridiculous. 25 in hell before Anya?! So I had to swap out treks for hotspurs and added some resist scs to get it up to par. I should have 75% CTB, 90 F, 75 C, 80 L, 75 Poison. I like those numbers, So for now I'm satisfied.|||Quote:

Also as to your last statement, I take offense to Hdins > BvC's. My main character is a BvC and I find hammerdins to be one of the easier duels the majority of the time.

Barbs are the sole reason why I went with holy shield on my hammerdin. Well played top barbs are a threat to hammerdins, especially while wearing anti hammer desynch setup I wish Imbecile was here to elaborate ^^

Most pub barbs are easy though.

How much stacked res do you have? Cold and light are important in particular.

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