first of is the skills and my guy is lv 90 as of now
20- psn dagger
20- psn explosion
20- psn nova
10-lower res you can max if you want to but i went with 10 because your gear will give you plenty of plus skills.
1-fire golem
1-bone wall
11 goes into your required skills
rest of points into bone armor
now i went with a point into bone wall to boost my bone armor with the plus skills. 1 point goes into fire golem so that his fire aura will finish off your opponent.
now for my stats with no gear on
strength- 60
dexterity- 25
vitality- 360
energy- 30
1. enigma
2. bramble
now i went with enigma for the teleport of course how ever you can alos use bramble for a armor because of its increase to poison dmg. also gives some good faster hit recovery.
1. shako of ages
3. rare necro helm
i chose the shako for the good boost to life and mana and some dmg reduce and of course the plus skills. i also put a 5/5 psn facet in it00.
now you could also use the crown of ages it gives you a plus skill as well as giving you dmg reduce, faster hit recovery and some resistance. the down side to it is the high str requirement on it.
you can also use a rare necro helm that will give you plus to poison and bone skills and the more open soc's in it the better.
1. trangs
2. mage fist
now i went with the trang gloves for the psn skill dmg boost and the faster cast rate but if you only have mage fist laying around you can use that as well.
1. Arachnid Mesh
2. string of ears
i went with the arach belt for the skill plus, increase to mana and the faster cast rate. you could also go with string of ears for the dmg reduce.
1. marrow walks
2. water walks
i went with the marrow walks for the increase to strength and dex, and the whole bone prison bug. now you could also go with water walks for the big boost to life and the dex it gives.
1. Homunculus
2. Darkforce Spawn
now this once is a toss up both are good i went with the homunculus for the mana boost and the Resistance. now if you want to go for skills then darkforce is the better choice giving you plus 3 to all skills. but for me the resistance made the choice for me. also i put a 5/5 psn facet in it.
1. deaths web wand
2. heart of the oak
i went with the death web wand here for the plus to skills and - psn res to enemy i also put a 5/5 psn facet it the wand. now you could go with the hoto for this one it will give you plus skills and some resistance.
also on switch i have a cta and a spirit sheild
now for the amy and rings i went with 2 soj's ans a mara's amy.
went with mara's for the skills and the resistance. you could also go with a necro skill amy if you wanted.
as far as charms go with poison and bone gcs try to get life mods on them. also get some resistance charms just to max you out. an of course a necro torch and a anni.
now you want to open up in town by casting bone armor and fire golem. then you open your duel up with the lower resistance curse and then just teleport and spam nova. now if your not likeing your fire golem killing them you can put a point into bone spear and finish it with that.
an i am sorry i don't have charts and pie graphs up for frames rates and that other pvp stuff. i don't really get into that i mean its a game guys i make builds and have fun. also sorry if the posting format is not the greatest this is my first build post and i am playing with ideas so let me know if the way i did it is good or if i should find another way. good luck dueling and most important have fun.

Either you go with trangoull equipment, which has many advantages (I think there is a guide in the stickies), like being really cheap and where you don't need fcr.
Or you go with a enigma build, where you try to aim for 125 fcr, (or at the very least 75). At the moment you have 70 fcr, so if you get a fcr ring or amulet (I'd swap a soj for it), your speed will rise quit a bit.
In your build you should also give the option to go for a max block build. Also, another place to put your remaining points in is teeth, with the higher radius is it a nice move to get that final hp down.|||As struikje said, a max block option would be very useful. Especially if you plan to use Bramble, because if you can't teleport and you have no block, you're going down.
Also, the marrowalk bug was fixed, so that advantage of using marrowalks is gone. On the other hand, they're still decent boots

It is also not worth putting points into Bone Armor. Putting points into its synergies (Bone wall/prison) gives more damage absorbed per skill point invested than points into Bone Armor.

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