Thursday, April 19, 2012

The Power of Fire Blast


I'm not a veteran PvP Trapper so I'm not really sure if this is common knowledge for trappers out there, but the skill fire blast is really useful for a trapper. I don't see many trappers using it so I'm going to assume a lot of people don't know this.

I have a below average trapper but I manage pretty good in pubs depending on how good the other people are, but fireblast wins me quite a number of those duels. I can only manage 10k trap dmg with a spirit pb/SS setup but i can get 3.8k fire blast damage at level 90.

I just thought people should try it.

here's my strategy:

Whenever an opponent is in very close contact with my character (usually melee chars for example) I use fireblast. Easy, right? The amount damage it deals also stuns the opponent along taking 400-500 life per blast. This way, you can use it on its own (which works) or use it as a way to stun lock opponents while your traps do more damage.

I hope this is helpful to anyone who doesn't realize the usefulness of this skill. If this is a well known concept then please remove this thread but I rarely see trappers use it so I hope this was helpful.

Also, if there is anyone willing to duel with me I would really appreciate that.


-brick||| Thing is, it casts so fast, it's like a 174% MB. Generally, it's used as a stomping attack and a means to chainlock, so more traps as the opponents flees. Win win!

High FB's can get as much as 5 and 6K. Certainly a force to reckon with alongside traps and heavy stun |||Exactly what I mean, Sass. I see trappers all the time still mbing while a barb is practically on top of them or a smiter is charging. 5 or 6k damage would be ridiculous, tho, you could win on just fb alone with that...|||You'd have to get mid-high 90's to synergize, pump FB and have the standard + skills on it (even some FB claws). But yeah, it's potential can get quite high.

And the ones doing that...just smile and nod...slowly back away... :P|||i love it

|||I saved the link to that video haha thanks TienJe! I had to watch it again before i caught that it wasn't actually regular bnet but the idea is the same.

Is a fb sin or something? lol


I saved the link to that video haha thanks TienJe! I had to watch it again before i caught that it wasn't actually regular bnet but the idea is the same.

Is a fb sin or something? lol


its a max MB trapper with 10 base in fblast. it has fireblast claws that i use for tvn (probably available only on that closed realm) which push the damage up to about 6k.

|||I like the build a lot and thanks for another vid!

i think it'd be pretty fun to make a sort of fb/hydrid. I'll think about it and see if I can come up with something|||its certainly powerful and it has become increasingly popular in europe realm for any hybrid assa. and yes, it deals good dmg!

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