Lately as I've been roaming around pub games there have been a lot of defensive characters. I spend the entire time just chasing them, unable to get a hit in, and i eventually die because i get hit by a few random shots or something. It's extremely frustrating because i'm just trying to improve and i just end up losing to some really bad characters.
I play a trapper and a ghost, which i've been told to play offensive with in order to win. when i actually duel someone who also plays offensive i sometimes win, like a normal game. it's really only defensive chars that give me trouble, especially: all sorcs, bone necs, nova necs, bowzons, desynch hammerdins, fohers(seriously how do i play vs them?). the other builds that can be played defensive also would probably give me trouble I just haven't dueled them yet.
Any specific advice about how to approach them with a trapper or ghost would be very helpful but just general advice is appreciated too.
-brick|||You do use Fade, Shadow Master/Warrior and Mind Blast, do you?|||you need to learn to chase properly, be quick at namelocking and use the right build on your characters.
well, i guess you just need some practise. once you have some more experience with your sins you will probably kill the majority of defensive casters, although some can still be tough.
i assume you have 65fcr on your ghost and 102fcr on your trapper?
my videos are rather old and not perfect but some of them might give you an idea about general sin gameplay:
http://www.youtube.com/user/moritzLLD|||yes i use fade, shadow master and mindblast...
ty for the advice moritz and practice would help of course but the issue i have is that the players im against never are in the same place. I'm not the best namelocker but i can't get one on someone constantly teleing off screen. its never really them winning the duel, its me just losing by coming up to them. I think if i didn't move, they wouldn't either.
maybe i should just avoid them altogether, cus it could also just be a waste of time to play these people?
a pub setting certainly doesn't help either with the nks, 2v1s, and hacks.
-brick|||well, its normal that necros, sins, druids - all casters in general - have to play defensively against assassins. thats how the matchup is like. i know it can be hard to catch some of the good ones but there shouldnt be too many problems against the biggest part.
if you use a more or less decent 102fc cc trapper and lose most duels to defensive casters, then you probably lack the technique.
try to avoid projectiles while chasing, cut corners, chase in parallel ways, not just straight after them. basically you can chase for quite a long time without getting hit at all if you watch out.
then you really need to improve your namelocking because it is vital for all offensive actions.
as soon as you have a namelock in the first place there are different things you need to decide again.|||When you constantly have Shadow Master with you while you Tele, you're rather safe from many projectiles, but Fireball, Tornado, Lightning (all sorts).
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