Saturday, April 21, 2012

pvp sword gear barb

Hi all!

first off i know that the best pvp barb weapons are grief zerker axes but i recently got a 410 ebotd cb and really want to make a pvp ww sword barb.

This is the gear i was thinking of using:


Arreats with 40 ed jewel


COA 2os 26 15 what should i socket with ed jewels cause if i use with storm and verdungos i hit the 50dr?

Ammy: highlords or angelic

rings: angelics/raven/wisp/10 fcr with ar life resists

Armor: 15 ed mage plate enigma

Weapon: 410 ebotd cb

Shield: storm with 40 ed jewel or ber?

switch bo sticks and 40/15 widowmaker : )

Belt: verdungos or arach

gloves: trangs gloves

boots: rare 30 fwr with tri resists

Inv anni/btorch/bunch of random sc's with life ar resists and gc's with max/ar/life

Any suggestions would be great, i just want to be able to use the ebotd cb and gear that can handle general pub duels.

thanx!|||shield is bad

shield cuts down your damage way too much

shield blocks ww and arrows, all other melee attacks suck vs whirlwind

consider going dual wield with grief zweihander mh and your etbod oh. 2x ber the coa youll have 39dr.|||Use dual zweihanders.

Sword barbs are underpowered though.|||thnx for the feedback i thought about it again and I guess im going to use grief zerk w/ beast zerker...|||i wouldnt say sword barb are underpowered. grief in anything that reach ww bps have comparable damage to grief beast axes. zweihander has the base speed and 3 reach for whirlwind. in this threat you can see the comparison of 2x grief vs grief beast and 2xgrief actually out damages grief/beast with more %ed(fort arreats). you will only be losing the base weapon damage BA 47.5avg vs zweihanders 27avg the +400 pure damage is unaffected. if you really like swords then that minimal damage loss imo is not enough of a reason to not go swords.|||It's not the damage loss, it's the extra stats needed.|||If you plan on dueling anything other then barbarians you'll want to dual wield always. I followed the PvP BvC guide in the stickies and he wins hands down over all other melee characters while still being able kill casters. Using a sheild will only let you be marginally better. You will have more defense and probably more DR but IMO its just not worth it. You sacrifice hit checks and damage output. You get 2x the amount of hitchecks dual welding and you'll need them for everyone else out there that wears a shield!

If you think a ebotd cb is nice try a griefz and beastz combo

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