Point is, I realised I should select a character that amuses me and stick with it. Seeing as how I've played a lotta fun builds that's no easy task, so I'm gonna troll the forums to see what comes up.

The criteria: the build should have good replayability, either through being hard to master like a WWsin/BvC/mage/curse-heavy nec, or just being exilirating/amusing like a charger. Preferably, it shouldn't be too common (yawn, enigma/hoto/mara hammernub) but I'm not going to harry you on that.
In short, what's the must fun you've had PvPing in D2?|||Haven't played pvp that much.. but I have made a pvp pala that uses an eBOTD archon staff. Does very nice damage and I built it in such a way that it can kill most sorcs (there are of course the godly exceptions).|||Nothing more amusing then seeing so and so slain by you 20 seconds after you lay an invisible hammer and they run into it and flip. Also, what GG's a desynch hdin?? A better desynch hdin is about it, so increase your skill level and desynch hdin rapes.

you get props from everybody , and it dishes out some high a*$ damage|||Any effective builds that can be even more effective with skills, like Mage, T/V, BvC, WW/Trap/Kicksin, etc. etc.|||i just completed a fully synergized wof trap sin with ww/ kick option. it works very nicely even though im not finished and with gear switches i have a couple different options on how i duel. i usually dont get bored with her and she does very decent in pubs.
this build is probably one of the cheaper to build as well since pally and barb items have gone crazy high in prices recently.|||My funnest PvP builds?
My LLD Zealot (Level 18 and OWNS!)
My Ex-Trapper (Level 78 and OWNED!)
My Ex-Charger (LEvel 76 and OWNED!)
Reason for Trapper and Charger being deleted; Trapper was messed up with stat points and I never got round to remaking.
Charger caused way too much lag, I could charge into someone then poof back in town, I could charge into town and poof back being WW'ed, I could DIE in town then go find my body out in the blood Moor, it was so ***... 22k with a BOTD CB was OWNAGE though... If I had War Pike it would of been even better.
Also don't take my opinions seriously, experiment and see what you like, I hear Javazons are pretty decent and fun. Good luck with whatever you make and I hope to hear from you soon. :P
~Phil|||I don't know. Killing waaaay too many people at once with a desynch Hammerdin was kind of boring for me. BvC is the funniest for me.|||auradin is funniest ive tried, kicksin didnt work out so good, barb works fine but not as fun as aura
but the funniest pvp build HAS TO BE http://forums.diabloii.net/showthrea...t=fuzzy+dodger
how could it not be this???|||Nothing more funny then punching a barb in the face with a sorc and seeing him die in 1-3 hits. Or teleing behind a fb sorc and killing her with a single punch. Also nothing more humiliating then killing any char with a meleesorc.
I been playing 1 a long time and yes you grow better with it after time.
Already mentioned is my fuzzydodger guide, although the longer dodge animation can get quite annoying vs any spamchar, ranging from fb sorc to trapsins. If you would make her pure for duelling barbs some duels can take up to 10 minutes. If you get really high-end equip/charms and enough frw, prebuff, absorb equip etc this will be a pretty powerfull allround dueller vs all chars except smiters, windies. Don't start it if you ain't rich. Fact is you only walk up to people and smack them in their face, so the replayability only lies in the uniqueness of the build.
A build that's hard to master but if you master it can get pretty good is a firedruid (fissure/volcano/armageddon). unless people are going to absorb you wich is quite easily done. It's 1 of the builds with best replayability since you really will have to learn to deal with all the timers and make every hit count. It's also funny for the towntard invisible fissures....
Xenons novaguide is also pretty funny. It really kills nice until you run into people that stack enough res or 95% es sorcs, or good cyclone druids.
I also looked with interest at the sidewinder build (amazon), although i never tried it.