i plan to have some equipment options:
main weapon grief ba (option fools 40 ias 2xx ed umed ba)
armor: sacred forty /eth uped toothrow (prudence?)
helm is eth uped arreat
storm with 9 dex 9 str jewel
gloves : draculs/steels
combo 1: grief+forty+dracs
combo 2: grief+tooth+steels
question about skill - 1 point in increased speed? thats 10 % less defence. whats the gain?
1 puted 1 point in natural since i will have eni/trang/arach/beast in stash to play as random bvc
my biggest concern is str wasted for sacred armor|||i did some extensive math back in the day and these were the results (numbers are dmg x cth modified by life/def bonuses/penalties... not going into the details its a long story).
furyz/ebug sacred prudence: 319
griefz/toothrow: 309
griefz/sacred fort: 280 (AP is close but not quite as good)
this was done at lvl 90, so if you plan to level your barb higher than that the ow setups will be even further ahead, since ow damage scales up slightly as you level up.
my griefz/toothrow one was damn near unbeatable, it certainly felt stronger than my previous grief/sacred fort one. havent tried a sacred prudence one.
keep in mind that ow is hard to use... you have to wait 8 secs for it to do its job... hitting again only resets the duration... so if you hit twice within 8 secs you're losing out vs a raw dmg barb. in practice this makes the difference not as big as the numbers suggest. you can also get screwed by things like cold dmg charms or someone "mirroring" your whirls, which = a lot of hits in a short period of time. still, if you play well you'll win A LOT vs grief/fort. lastly, if you like being aggressive you wont like the playstyle ow forces on you (or you'll risk losing if you are). i like it personally, long duels create suspense

optimal builds for each setup:
toothrow (63 base str and i highly suggest 1 in inc. speed. this str is also ideal for fort/widow vs hdins and enigma/clegaws/doomz vs smiters):
SS (ed/ar/dex/-15% req., the -15% req. saves a lot of str)
eth upd toothrow / AP fort for fun / ebug fort (BM, multiple armor types to choose from here which is practical: boneweave, AP, kraken, balrog, whatever you find)
non upd arreats (cham'd for cold dmg using barbs and ed/life for those who dont have any)
angelics, dracs, dungos, up'd gores (no reason to use rends)
AR scs (scs > gcs and AR > max/AR)
sacred fort (109 base str, 1 in inc. speed isnt bad to run after those annoying ow barbs...

SS (ed/ar/dex/str)
sacred fort / ebug sacred fort (BM, with this kind of armor this setup is significantly better than the toothrow one with an ebug fort of its own)
up'd arreats (ed/ar/dex/str, eth up'd isnt as good as even a crap 32ed/8str or something)
angelics, dracs, dungos, up'd gores (rends = less total dmg but more raw dmg... if you want to be very aggressive)
AR or max/AR scs (both have almost exactly the same dmg output)
ebug sacred prudence (117 base str, 1 in inc. speed and ideally you should max ironskin before ww... this much str is also nice for a brutal BM setup vs smiters: doomz, clegaws, fort, marrowwalk, coa, widow...

SS (cham'd and AR/life)
ebug sacred prudence / ebug sacred stone (BM, massive def!)
eth up'd arreats (here its worth it, you dont get much from ed with fury and with an up'd one you'd only be able to save 6 str from a jewel not 9, since 196 + 20 = 216 and you need 222. its especially worth it if you max ironskin first)
angelics, dracs, dungos, up'd gores (zzz)
AR scs (AR > max/AR here)
lastly, keep in mind that the last two are interchangeable to some extent, but obviously optimizing one will mean that the other one will be a little subpar.|||for sockets, i like to add DAMAGE!
my current barb uses:
hat: reg, un-up'd arreats with 30 max jool
armour: AP fort (i'm on West NL and have a zbug, but i only use it against other zbug users)
belt: dungos
boots: up'd gores
shield: SS with 40ed/-15% reqs
wep: griefZ
glubs: dracs
jewellery: angelics.
charms is a mix of ar/lifers and max/ar lifers
vital stats:
life: 6012
AR: 20.5k
Defence: 32k in zbug, 26k in reg AP.
if there were no zbugs on West NL, i'd go with a 15ed sup sacred fort.
the rough rule of thumb for BvB is: if you choose a Grief weapon, you may use any armour you like. if you choose a Fortitude armour, you may use any weapon you like.|||Here would be the setup I would use:
grief ba
ss 40 ed/poison dmg jewel
fort loricated mail (heavy armor better)
angelics (yes 2 rings)
arreats 40 ed/poison dmg jewel
rends (you could use dracs but every 1% ed counts)
40/15 dungo
gores or dancers (I prefer gores)
Dont put any points into increase speed and I mean none. Can be frozen is good in bvb since you can keep ias while very slow frw ww.|||why dancers?|||Quote:
hat: reg, un-up'd arreats with 30 max jool
40 ed > 30 max for grief users, not to mention the dex/str you can get on them. i showed you the math for it meph a while back and you still use that silly thing

454 (p grief) x 0.4 = 181 (max/AR: 509 x 0.4 = 203)
30 max i.e. 15 avg x 9.64 (864 ed with lvl 29 ww, lvl 27 mastery, 232 str and fort) = 144
Dont put any points into increase speed and I mean none. Can be frozen is good in bvb since you can keep ias while very slow frw ww.
thats fine for grief/fort but you obviously dont know much about ow builds. not having CBF can be really bad. for the same reasons you like heavy armors, being frozen and no inc. speed, ow builds should have the opposite. lastly, poison is BM.
why dancers?
to save dex i guess but i highly doubt its worth it.|||Quote:
why dancers?
I specifically said I prefer gores but if you want to save dex and get more fhr than you could choose dancers.|||@vknez
I don't know which realm do you play but get at least 20k AR and 25k+ def. I personally aim for 24k+ AR and 30k+ def, the increase in cth is quite significant IMO. I prefer dracul's over steelrends but if you build around sacred fort, I think steelrends is the clear choice. My barb is built around a visionary diadem, draculs, grief and zbug fort, 24k AR, 33.5k def, 6.4k life. I put 1 point in nat resist and 0 in inc speed.|||Quote:
I specifically said I prefer gores but if you want to save dex and get more fhr than you could choose dancers.
There is no need for fhr in BvB games.
Also, being frozen is not at all an advantage for BvB's. Being frozen/decrep makes you get in more hits in PvM vs stagnant packs of monsters.
However, 2 barbs ww'ing past each other, have the same amount of hit checks and the time duration regarding range is dictated by the barb moving fastest across the screen. In other words, you actually appear within each others attack range for the same amount of time.
In most cases, being frozen in that sort of duel makes maneuvering more difficult, making the non-frozen barb able to reposition attacks much faster then you can. This is also why BvB's often carry a cold charm, so they can purposely mess with your function. Getting a solid attack on a non-moving ww barb is not something you can depend on, and is typically an accident at best, especially when you can't maneuver as well to keep the pressure up.
this was done at lvl 90, so if you plan to level your barb higher than that the ow setups will be even further ahead, since ow damage scales up slightly as you level up.
Max OW damage is acheived @ lvl90. 533 is max damage for OW after PvP penalties. Has this changed?
@vknez. I don't understand why one would want to go rends with an OW setup/tooth, especially if str is a concern of yours. Also, I agree with Meph on the jewels. Add some damage.
the rough rule of thumb for BvB is: if you choose a Grief weapon, you may use any armour you like. if you choose a Fortitude armour, you may use any weapon you like.
As long as the weapon isn't an ebotd,beast, or edc...

Max OW damage is acheived @ lvl90. 533 is max damage for OW after PvP penalties. Has this changed? Also, I agree with Meph on the jewels. Add some damage.
Clvl=61-99: 25*(45*Clvl-1319)/256 (thats per second, so all that x 8)
i dont know where this "lvl 90 for best ow" belief comes from. you get the best multiplier (45) at lvl 61 then it scales up. i never read about Clvl having a max of 90 and cant really see why it would either. with a 1/4 penalty vs players, lvl 90 = 533 indeed. lvl 95 = 577, a significant difference.
and about the jewels, man you two are something. you got some easy math right in your face and you still pick the worst option

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