Saturday, April 21, 2012

Funnest PVP Build

Hokay, I think I've come to realise that on the whole, there's no single build in D2 that can handle anything. There's always counters and bad matchups... More importantly, I've realised that while the bad matchups can be reduced and countered by hybridizing the build, a hybrid is kinda like a swiss army knife: it can do many, many things, but try to kill a bear with it and you're in trouble.

Point is, I realised I should select a character that amuses me and stick with it. Seeing as how I've played a lotta fun builds that's no easy task, so I'm gonna troll the forums to see what comes up.

The criteria: the build should have good replayability, either through being hard to master like a WWsin/BvC/mage/curse-heavy nec, or just being exilirating/amusing like a charger. Preferably, it shouldn't be too common (yawn, enigma/hoto/mara hammernub) but I'm not going to harry you on that.

In short, what's the must fun you've had PvPing in D2?|||Haven't played pvp that much.. but I have made a pvp pala that uses an eBOTD archon staff. Does very nice damage and I built it in such a way that it can kill most sorcs (there are of course the godly exceptions).|||Nothing more amusing then seeing so and so slain by you 20 seconds after you lay an invisible hammer and they run into it and flip. Also, what GG's a desynch hdin?? A better desynch hdin is about it, so increase your skill level and desynch hdin rapes.

iMC |||melee sorc , ive almost finished building mine, and already have a great time dueling

you get props from everybody , and it dishes out some high a*$ damage|||Any effective builds that can be even more effective with skills, like Mage, T/V, BvC, WW/Trap/Kicksin, etc. etc.|||i just completed a fully synergized wof trap sin with ww/ kick option. it works very nicely even though im not finished and with gear switches i have a couple different options on how i duel. i usually dont get bored with her and she does very decent in pubs.

this build is probably one of the cheaper to build as well since pally and barb items have gone crazy high in prices recently.|||My funnest PvP builds?

My LLD Zealot (Level 18 and OWNS!)

My Ex-Trapper (Level 78 and OWNED!)

My Ex-Charger (LEvel 76 and OWNED!)

Reason for Trapper and Charger being deleted; Trapper was messed up with stat points and I never got round to remaking.

Charger caused way too much lag, I could charge into someone then poof back in town, I could charge into town and poof back being WW'ed, I could DIE in town then go find my body out in the blood Moor, it was so ***... 22k with a BOTD CB was OWNAGE though... If I had War Pike it would of been even better.

Also don't take my opinions seriously, experiment and see what you like, I hear Javazons are pretty decent and fun. Good luck with whatever you make and I hope to hear from you soon. :P

~Phil|||I don't know. Killing waaaay too many people at once with a desynch Hammerdin was kind of boring for me. BvC is the funniest for me.|||auradin is funniest ive tried, kicksin didnt work out so good, barb works fine but not as fun as aura

but the funniest pvp build HAS TO BE

how could it not be this???|||Nothing more funny then punching a barb in the face with a sorc and seeing him die in 1-3 hits. Or teleing behind a fb sorc and killing her with a single punch. Also nothing more humiliating then killing any char with a meleesorc.

I been playing 1 a long time and yes you grow better with it after time.

Already mentioned is my fuzzydodger guide, although the longer dodge animation can get quite annoying vs any spamchar, ranging from fb sorc to trapsins. If you would make her pure for duelling barbs some duels can take up to 10 minutes. If you get really high-end equip/charms and enough frw, prebuff, absorb equip etc this will be a pretty powerfull allround dueller vs all chars except smiters, windies. Don't start it if you ain't rich. Fact is you only walk up to people and smack them in their face, so the replayability only lies in the uniqueness of the build.

A build that's hard to master but if you master it can get pretty good is a firedruid (fissure/volcano/armageddon). unless people are going to absorb you wich is quite easily done. It's 1 of the builds with best replayability since you really will have to learn to deal with all the timers and make every hit count. It's also funny for the towntard invisible fissures....

Xenons novaguide is also pretty funny. It really kills nice until you run into people that stack enough res or 95% es sorcs, or good cyclone druids.

I also looked with interest at the sidewinder build (amazon), although i never tried it.

mal'd shield / helmet?

could it possibly bear the attack of a pnb necro in a duel?!|||No, Mal-ed Items on you Won't give you "Visible" Help from Magic Attacks like Bone Spirit or Blessed Hammer, sorry. Try to Out-Damage them.|||At best you're reducing the damage you take by 49 points, which is maybe about 6-7% of a good Bone Spirit hit, much less for Blessed Hammer. You would be better off crafting a safety shield and hoping for 10% magic resistance.|||Quote:

At best you're reducing the damage you take by 49 points, which is maybe about 6-7% of a good Bone Spirit hit, much less for Blessed Hammer. You would be better off crafting a safety shield and hoping for 10% magic resistance.

Which is still ~nothing signifficant.

need pvp advice

ok i have gotten back into diablo again and have made some pvm builds and now i want to do some pvp. i never really got into the whole pvp area but i tried it got my butt kicked but still into it. the question i have is what pvp build should i make.

i want to make something that wont be hard to get the gear for but will also stand a good fight in the public duel games. i was thinking about ethier a bone necro or a zealer. yes i know a zealer in pvp what am i thinking but i think it can be done and i dont want to take the safe bet and make a smiter like everyone else.

so if anyone could hook me up with good gear info for both and which would i should tryout it be cool. ty |||make a hammerdin.|||Quote:

make a hammerdin.

Probably the PvP'er that will give you the most for the investment. You should however be prepared for all the other hammerdins... which there are alot of

A bone necro needs more gear to be as effective, a zealot is dwafed by most smiters... and you need more gear to be effective.

Otherwise a blizzard sorc 'd do well.|||Or a "Town Guard" Grizzly Summoning Druid. No risk, only positive emotions. ^|||Quote:

Or a "Town Guard" Grizzly Summoning Druid. No risk, only positive emotions. ^

Yeah right, all the negative remarks from people I kill with my bear were annoying. But most of the time they're in shock and awe by the mad damage this mere summon can deal.

Hehe, still funny to see a smiter rape himself more than once from your bramble/edge combo|||Make an auradin. All you do is run around and deal damage. rofl|||I'd suggest you go with a class that you already enjoy playing. if you're a sorc fanatic, build a PvP blizz sork. if you really enjoy assassins, build a trapper or a hybrid'sin.

seeing as you apparantly already have a like for Bonermancers or Smiters, build one of those.


make a hammerdin.

go and die a horrible, painful death.

the last thing needs is another blasted hammerdin.|||As much as I love Zealots, they're ridiculously expensive to make viable for pub dueling, let alone melee dueling. You're going to need a mass amount of 3/20/20's, and even the slightest difference in percentages on gear can cost you double. Sure there are budget builds, but that's just it, you get what you pay for.

Necros are the same way, they're the prime class that stands out in my mind as "needs lvl 99, needs full inventory of perfect charms"

If you want easy to play, easy to kill other people with, pick hammerdin or smiter. Both have easy to acquire gear and are less dependent upon charms than anything else. Shoot, I would kill people just for merc money on my cheap rushing paladin.|||Go with blizz sorc.

fun, uncommon and solid.

Is this a good PVP Zealot Build?

SKILLS are as follows:





And others into pre-requisites

STATS are as follow:


Dex-Base 75

Vit-Base around 450


Now here are the items:

Wep-PB Grief

Gloves-P Dracs

Belt-P Dungos

Armor-Crow Caw with a 40/15

Helm-CoA with 2x 40/15's

Shield-P Eexile



Charms-P anni, P ptorch, 37x 3/20/20's

I'd appreciate any feedback about this build, made it myself without any advice.


I'd appreciate any feedback about this build, made it myself without any advice.


Looks awfully familiar though . A fanatic zealot (or 1pt smiter as the KingDryland guide) is a very common build for PvM.

Only original thing, that caught my eye is the Crow Caw - I'm assuming for the OW.

Wouldn't know is this is any good for PvP, but my guess would be 'negatory'. Charge and hammers must be popular for a reason, no?|||There is a PvP zealot guide by Soutwood in the guidestickie|||Without tele...ah shall we say certain matchups will be very difficult. |||Quote:

Without tele...ah shall we say certain matchups will be very difficult.

zealot with enigma? are you kidding??|||Quote:

zealot with enigma? are you kidding??

no, he's not kidding. tele-smite is a gg tactic, especially against WW users, why should tele-zeal be any different (except for hte whole blockable attack" thing)

tele-zealots can dish up insane, phreakish amounts of damage when built properly. they'll wtfpwn most casters and even the occasional BvC.|||If tele smite is gg... then telezeal is are more gg. Majority of casters do not have block so one-two telezeal will always finish off an opponent. it keeps opponent in block.


Griefz, grief pb

Coa x2 ber


Spirit in elite paladin shield

Some crafted blood gloves


Gores/tri res boots

bk ring/wisp/dwarf/raven

ar/life/max charms/torch/anni

This is zeal vs all

If you are looking for zeal vs zeal then you have to do fort and whatever which is honestly as boring as bvb.

Non tele zeal is limited and will have trouble killing.|||Quote:

no, he's not kidding. tele-smite is a gg tactic, especially against WW users, why should tele-zeal be any different (except for hte whole blockable attack" thing)

tele-zealots can dish up insane, phreakish amounts of damage when built properly. they'll wtfpwn most casters and even the occasional BvC.

this is a joke, charge kills all caster why waste all good stats u could get from other armors for a teleport, zealot with enigma is much weaker than the one with forty, stone or smth else..|||That defense is not much use vs casters... You could always get both, the Fortitude vs other melee and Enigma to bust out ranged attackers.|||Quote:

this is a joke, charge kills all caster why waste all good stats u could get from other armors for a teleport, zealot with enigma is much weaker than the one with forty, stone or smth else..

No, he isn't joking; tele-zeal really is better.

Due to Engima's lack of ED, the zeal will of course be weaker. But, Enigma gives him a chance in duels.

the hack'tards have a new toy....

NOTE: I am NOT reccomending that anyone actually use this piece of downloaded arse'tardery, i'm just pointing out it exists and it's something to keep an eye out for.

it seems the retarded losers who rely on their downloaded idiocy to "win" in PvP games have sunk to an all time new low.


they can now Far Cast Blessed Hammers.

yup, that's right. they don't "need" to desynch and 2-frame-hax-cast-time cheese anymore, thay can nail you with hammers from three screens away and the first inkling you'll get is being put into hit-recovery, taking massive damage.

the dude who did this to me the other night at least had the decency to admit what he was doing. i've run into it before, but wasn't sure if it was simple desynch that was nailing me, this time, i could tell something was drastically amiss (even more amiss than his hacked cast rate would indicate).

well, here's hoping blizz will fix the damn farcast bug with the 1.13 patch.

at least FC-Zons could be countered with a simple t-gods+dwarfstar or wisp combination, but there ain't nothing you can do to protect yourself from this particular piece of idiocy.|||you're an idiot, he was desyncing|||no, he wasn't "just" desynching. it kind of looks like desynch, but isn't. it's FC Hammarz hack'tardery. afaik: it's still a "private" hack, but it won't be long before every JSP retard is packing it.

like i said, he did it to me a couple of times before i was certain what was going on.|||Quote:

you're an idiot, he was desyncing

And you're rather impolite for no reason...

Back on topic - I find it hard to believe that they are farcasting hammers. I haven't played in a while so can't say if anything like that is happening in Europe as well.

Are you absolutely sure it wasn't a combination of lag and desynching?|||Quote:

Are you absolutely sure it wasn't a combination of lag and desynching?

yes. i'm 100% positive.

i've been duelling against desynching hammerdins for a good long while now and i'm reasonably good at predicting and countering desynching hammerdins (well, you HAVE to get good at predicting and countering desynching hammerdins if you want to pub PvP these days)

it certainly feels like desynch the first time you encounter it, but it isn't. once you get nailed by it a couple of times, you sense something is terribly, terribly wrong.

for a start, i was in full whirl, through an area free of hammers and got nailed.

secondly, i'd already walloped him 4-0 before he turned this particular hack on. he already had the 2-frame-hacked-up-cast-rate and was of the "i can telebomb anyone coz i'm a hack-up-hammerdin" mindset. he had no idea how to duel a barb with a hammy. then he nailed me twice without taking any damage.

the second time, i could see hiim sitting still just off my screen. i was in full whirl, got nailed and then he appeared at my corpse with the Teleport animation around him.

i'd kept my eye on my ping and it didn't spike during the "duel".

i've encountered this before, but thought it was simple lag/desynch. this time A: he admitted it and B: i really, really noticed something was more amiss than usual.

i wouldn't have posted this if i wasn't sure about it. i hope my reputation at this site would confirm that.|||Its called desync. Properly done, a character can stand directly on top of you and cast spells without even being on your minimap, just by desyncing hard (vigor + charge). Your ping will not affect this, this is a byproduct of the incorrect velocity data being used by the dead reckoning employed by d2 to deal with network latency.

A) The paladin was pulling your leg, like telling you that he was using "kill hacks" that made you instantly drop dead, and getting a good chuckle at your souper cereal responses

B) There is no such thing as farcasting hammers. Hammers are a projectile which is always spawned at the point of the caster, whereas charged strike is the spell charged bolt cast at the point of the target, which is completely removed from the caster, and hence tricking the game into thinking you are attacking, even at a range, causes the bolts to appear disconnected from the player. Normal projectile spells obviously cannot be disconnected from their caster. The paladin was either standing directly on top of you casting, or you ran into an invisible field of hammers (caused by projectiles spawned while hero is off your minimap range), and died.

Your reputation at this site means absolutely nothing next to what is possible and what is not possible in diablo 2's architecture, or to me.|||Quote:

Its called desync.

i know what desynch is. i've been encountering and using it for years.

this was NOT simple desynch.

i stand by what i have said and i don't give a toss if you believe me or not.|||Thats the special brand of desync called "Done properly"

Glad you could encounter it, but unfortunately, your 'close encounter of the 3rd kind' does not create the existence of hacks which violate the basic architecture of the diablo 2 engine, which makes things like that impossible on the serverside.|||Quote:

Thats the special brand of desync called "Done properly"

Glad you could encounter it, but unfortunately, your 'close encounter of the 3rd kind' does not create the existence of hacks which violate the basic architecture of the diablo 2 engine, which makes things like that impossible on the serverside.

Please do say why you are 100% sure it cannot be done at all costs. I'm talking tech explanation here. (I found youre explanation above not sufficiant)

I'm on the fence, I'd have to see it to believe it, but it wouldn't surprise me at all.|||Quote:

you're an idiot, he was desyncing

you love to use this word, not only on this forum...

welcome to the forum

pvp pally help

ok i want to make a pvp zealer yes i said zealer and i know what am i thinking but i want to try it. i think it could be done and also i want to different and not go with a smiter or hammerdin. so if someone can hook me up with some gear info for pvp it would be great.|||Start with this guide, a little old but all the basics are there.|||thanks for the guide i think i got it now but the only thing that i am not sure of is what weapon to use.

botd or greif?

zerker axe or phase blade?|||Grief is better than BotD in this case, and it's generally advised to use a Zerker in PvP for the extra range (range 3 vs range 2 of the PB). That topic has been discussed a number of times already, I'll give you some links so you can make up your own mind: here there's a poll to choose the better zealot weapon, and includes a post by Ancalagon suggesting a Death eth Zerker as an option. Similar threads here and here. Hope this helps

Best BM Pub game pvper

I'm tired of people BMing me all the time in pubs, I need a BM pub pvper...

What is THE most BM pvp character possible to build? I'm thinking Sorb V/T or Sorb CS zon or Sorb Wind Druid.

Any ideas?|||Screw Sorb aspect, please. Not every Attack is Elemental. I would say Bonemancer or Venomancer with some Summons. You choose. Both are very Viable and both are Perfect BMers.|||TG Summon Druid.|||Quote:

TG Summon Druid.

What is TG?|||Quote:

What is TG?

town guarding|||Quote:

town guarding

Any town-guarding is rather pussy than BM. Not to talk it can be avoided by using TPs and WPs.|||unfortunatly, 99% of these BM retards are also hacked up the wazoo.

so, unless you're prepared to join them in the eternal damnation and hellfire which surely awaits them in the great hereafter, unfortunatly it's almost impossible to make a character that can BM everybody.

if you're looking for a character that can cope with the bulk of BM'tards, i'd suggest a well built Necro, Windy or BvC.

however: none of them are cheap.|||Figures. I have most of the gear for my Necro, just have to lvl him for the gear.

I've thought of making a windy.. With the minion stack etc they must be pretty annoying to kill.

BvC, for some reason I'm terrible at barbs.. lol|||Mage.

but seriously **** all. just make what u think is most fun and with respect to bm.

i wanted to make windy b.c they were top notch pvp but it never got going and after thinking about the enjoyment part,

he is just a lvl 88 mule right now.


unfortunatly, 99% of these BM retards are also hacked up the wazoo.

so, unless you're prepared to join them in the eternal damnation and hellfire which surely awaits them in the great hereafter, unfortunatly it's almost impossible to make a character that can BM everybody.

if you're looking for a character that can cope with the bulk of BM'tards, i'd suggest a well built Necro, Windy or BvC.

however: none of them are cheap.

what sort of hacks they use?

even with little pvp skills and no hacks, i usually have over 70% winning rate with my liberator in pub. simple desynch kills most barbs, smiters, hdins and some droods. zons usually die to dr, stack and hf/charge combo.

so i don't think 99% of them use performance enhancing hacks(may be u were just exaggerating to get u r point across)|||Quote:


but seriously **** all. just make what u think is most fun and with respect to bm.

i wanted to make windy b.c they were top notch pvp but it never got going and after thinking about the enjoyment part,

he is just a lvl 88 mule right now.

what sort of hacks they use?

even with little pvp skills and no hacks, i usually have over 70% winning rate with my liberator in pub. simple desynch kills most barbs, smiters, hdins and some droods. zons usually die to dr, stack and hf/charge combo.

so i don't think 99% of them use performance enhancing hacks(may be u were just exaggerating to get u r point across)

Only hack I've ever run into was FC. I just left game.. lol

What is a liberator? I was thinking of making a V/T myself

1.12 PVP Wolfbarb

This is my rather humble guide to an updated wolfbarb since Zero-Unit's guide is a smidgen outdated.

***I do not take credit for coming up with this build, but this is merely a conglomeration of my research and my experience while using this build***

Why a wolfbarb?

A wolfbarb is a fun offbeat build designed for those who seek a pvp build that's quite out of the ordinary. If you're looking for a 1v7 I GG everything build then turn away now. The wolfbarb has many bad matchups and should not be built expecting to win in every duel. Also, this can be used in pubs and GM duels.

Pros of a wolfbarb

1.Access to all of the barbarian's passive skills and shouts.

2.Extremely viable melee pvper

3.Epic style

Cons to a wolfbarb

1.Expensive build- not for the cheap at heart

2.Hard to take down casters


Str- Enough for Gear (obviously)

Dex- Enough for Max block (unless ur going for a 2h weapon)

Vit- All rest



42%FHR- 4 frames- this is a very viable and very easily achievable target

86%FHR- 3 frames- also very easily achievable

48%FBR- 5 frames

31% IAS on weapon- 6 frame feral rage (more on this later)

6.5-7.2k life



Wolfhowl- No other choice here since this is what you use for attacking. Best wolfhowl gives:

3 warcry

6 feral rage/lycanthropy/werewolf

15 dex/str/vit

Aim for a perf warcry and pretty high feral rage. This helm isn't used very often so it should be obtainable pretty cheaply.

Socket it with a Ber if you don't have max DR. Jah if you want more life, or a Cham if you don't want to be frozen.


Here's where things get weird and where builds can diversify. I'll start with what I've test and then I'll continue with what I've seen and read about.

Grief Phaseblade- This is the weapon I used. You need 31+ IAS in order to hit a 6 frame feral rage. IMO GriefPB is the best, but I have never tried some of the other options so I cannot say whether this is true.

Grizzy's Caduceus- Socket this with shaels and you can have a 4frame feral rage, but the dmg on the caddy is so low that it's not really worth it. HOWEVER, I have read about a build that uses the caddy along with psn charms to great effect. I have never tested that, so I do not know the effectiveness.

Eth 3os tombreaver- socket this bad boy with a zod and 2x 40/15s and you got yourself a GG weapon. This is perfect for chasing casters with, but I believe you need to dedicate a build around this in order for it to work (more on that later).


2x low res hotos for prebuffing shouts and werewolf


Fortitude- Best armor you can use. 300% ED, great defense, resists, life, DR. It's beautiful.

Enigma- Used for the FRW. It's useful sometimes for chasing casters and zons, but I honestly haven't put it to much use. Still a good option to keep open.

Bramble- Remember what I said about the Grizzy Caddy? You would use Bramble to coincide with the poison charms for maximum effect. Bramble also gives huge FHR so you don't need FHR charms.


Angelic set- probably the most useful because of the AR.


Stormshield- Best one gives str, resists, and much much more! Socket it with a shael to hit the FBR BP.


Bloodfist- 30%FHR and 40 life are fantastic. I believe on wolf form only weapon IAS affects atk speed so the IAS is not so much.

Dracs- BM but still viable for the Open wounds and the +15 strength

Rare/crafted Gloves- never tried these, but look for ones with Strength and Dex and possibly CB

Steelrends- If you really want to put in that much strength, but you really don't have that much to spare.

Trang gloves- maximize that psn damage with the grizzy caddy build.


Gore riders- FRW, OW, CB, DS, fantastic boots for melee

Shadow dancers- you should have enough str for this with Stormshield. This is a great option because it gives you more FHR and can help reach the 86% BP. With shadow dancers, you also get dexterity. Overall Shadow dancers will give you more life because you will have less FHR charms in inventory and less pnts in dex.


Crafted Blood belt with nice mods for FHR

Dungos- Vit and Dr are nothing to scoff at. With a 15 DR dungos you can hit max DR with Stormshield.


BTorch- Obvious, as high as possible

Anni- also quite necessary, as high as possible

IDEALLY- You want 3/20/20s, but that's ridiculously expensive. Fill your inventory with enough FHR charms to hit the 86% BP after gear. Then just flesh out your inventory with 20 lifer SCs, or whatever lifers you can find/afford.

Stash Gear

Wizspike- 75Res, put it in offhand against casters

2x Ravens- for freeze and cold sorb

Snow clash- cold sorb

Tgods- light sorb

2x Wisps- light sorb

Highlords- light sorb

2x dwarfstar- fire sorb

hotspurs- fire res

rising sun amulet- fire sorb

Enigma- chase casters/prebuff

Bloodletters- for lulz and maybe some help against smiters.


Here is where you can diversify.

Melee build

20 BO

20 Shout

20 Iron Skin

20 Mastery (probably sword)

5 Increased speed

5-10 Natural resistance

1 to pre-reqs

1 to battle command

Caster build

1 to pre-requs and battle command

20 BO

20 Shout

20 Mastery (prob polearm for tombreaver)

20 natural resistance

Rest into increased speed

Hybrid build

I was thinking about this, but I have never tried it.

1 to prereqs

1 to WW

1 battle command

20 BO

20 Shout

20 Iron Skin

20 Sword mastery

5-10 increased speed

5-10 natural resistance

If one uses the hybrid build, theoretically one could dual wield or single wield a EBOTDCB which has decent range and help the matchup against smiters.


Prebuff BO's and wolf, then switch and use feral rage. Pretty simple.

Barbs- Easiest of all classes IMO. Like all melee duelers, walk, don't run, and if the barb tries to WW you, don't follow him. Just stand there and hold shift and attack the barb. If you use a 2hander then it's gonna be much harder.

BvCs- no shield means they lose. Just do above.

BvBs- a little harder cuz they have a shield. Again do above and depending on gear you or him may win.

Singers- If you use a shield, then these guys are a walk in the park. Just chase him and swing at him.

Other- Just attack as normal. You are a solid melee fighter.

Druids- Shape shift druids are pretty easy, but windies are harder.

I think wolfbarbs are better pvpers than fury druids. I've only dueled 1 godly fury druid and even then we were on even playing fields. Generally you will have the advantage.

Wind druids- Some wind druids are impossible since there are 3 types of windy builds. Max block, max DR, and GG FHR windys are what are your bane. Put on cannot be frozen gear then chase the windy. Try and dodge his nados and then run in and swing a few times. If you find a non block windy, you can probably throw him into FHR lock and with that you can win, otherwise you're pretty much dead.

Necros- Usually tough.

Summoners- a joke. PVP summoners are hilarious but you have so much life that you can easily tank the summons. Just try and namelock the summoner and when he teles next to you own him. Or you can also stand there and kill his minions, that's also effective. You'll only die if they BM you with Iron Maiden.

Bone necros- HARD, If they spam bonewall and prision (BM), you're dead. It's very hard to chase them down and usually they have max block. Their spirits are relatively easy to dodge, but the spears are a little harder. This duel can last a long time if you're cautious.

Psn necro- also hard because you can't touch them and they'll jus tpsn you to death and teleport.


Zealer- not as bad, usually only truly dedicated melee play zealers and thus their gear is pretty GG. You can do pretty well against them.

Hammerdin- you're pretty much dead. I've tried widowmaker and found that it's decently effective against most pub hammerdins, but GG hammerdins will still waste you.

Smiter- You're dead. Against GG smiters, you can't do anything. Against noob smiters, I have won easily using bloodletter on offhand. That lets me WW and I will WW away from the smiter while griefpb does dmg. You can try the hybrid build I mentioned and maybe use like a ebotdcb for extra range.

Foh- need some res stack

V/T- die to smite again =/

Charger- I've never really dueled a charger. I'd say stand still and then attack when they reach you.

Sorcs- hard for melee build, probably not as difficult for caster chaser.

Blizzard- impossibly hard, you need to be stationary to hit the blizzard sorc. Unless you stack sorb, they'll just drop a lbizzy on themselves then hit you with frost bolts (or blasts).

Fb- difficult, stack res then try and dodge their fbs as you home in on them

ES Light sorcs- def need to stack res against these guys. Only sorb if you need to BM.


WW sins- easy, just take them down like barbs

Ghosts and hybrids- a little harder, good ones can ww and mind blast you for victory letting their traps wittle your life down. Just utilize the barb strategy and you could win. Stacking sorb might help a little.

Pure trappers- with mindblast you're pretty much dead, but if you stack full sorb they cant touch you.


Javazons- hard because CS hits for a lot. You need to use sorb to win.

Bowazons- Super easy usually. Most bowas are glass cannons. You have enough health to tank their arrows. Try to come in at an angle and move around the bowa so that you're not directly in the path of the GA. Once you make contact. Your blows will either 1 or 2 shot them or send them into dodge lock and then you'll 1 or 2 shot them.

Plaguezon- havent dueled many of them, but you have a lot of life so you can take a few psn javs. Just chase them down like bowas and they shouldn't be too difficult.

In conclusion

Wolfbarb if you haven't noticed, is not the most GG build, but it's a lot of fun to play and a worthy investment for those who enjoy offbeat builds. It's quite viable for melee duels and should not be looked over as a caster chaser. I look for critique that will help me improve my own wolfbarb with new ideas from other people

Thx for reading this =D.|||Well Wolfbarb may not be GG Build but Mass R/W Wolfbarb may be.|||Quote:

Well Wolfbarb may not be GG Build but Mass R/W Wolfbarb may be.

no. just no.|||Thanks for posting this I liked it how you don't pretend that it's DA BEST CHAR EVER but instead openly discuss its strengths and weaknesses.

I've never had a wolfbarb before but they seem to be a fun build indeed. They have massive life and actually hit pretty hard if they have good charms and items. the main problem, as you've pointed out in your guide, is that in order to hit someone you need to catch them so defensive casters simply can't be beaten

I know at least two players from this forum who have wolfbarbs - I wonder if they'll offer any comments.|||shael is good helm socket option

fortitude dont have dr

jewelry - no mention of raven? cbf is must have on equipment and you dont have it. other options are highlords, cats eye, metalgrid

shael in storm is not so mandatory since they change the way blocking work

i think best is rare jewel -15%, 7 fhr adds. also options are resists jewel/um or eld (saves a lot of dex --> more life)

with high lev of werewolf+ bo, jah gives less life then ruby in helm

goreriders, rare resist/fhr/dex boots are also a option

add doom as off hand weapon vs amazons

you have to mention frw/dmg/ar charms

20 points in natural resists is senseless

good bvc will always kill you, primarily cause of more range

bvb you cant win (any good), otherwise wolfbarbs will be called bvb

fury druid --> if he is rabies hybrid you will have tough time

poison necro must get in your screen, try to desynch

my wolfbarb:


I know at least two players from this forum who have wolfbarbs - I wonder if they'll offer any comments.

i guess i m the one...|||Quote:

Well Wolfbarb may not be GG Build but Mass R/W Wolfbarb may be.


no. just no.



poison necro must get in your screen, try to desynch


Which will happen with Mass FRW.

P.S.: I like the way how I give other people constructive criticism and friendly behaviour while other people don't. =)|||The first draft is looking pretty good. It might be worth including a link to TheDragoons wereform IAS/FHR calculator somewhere for a reference. Just remember the feral rage output from the calculator is incorrect. There is a discussion about this somewhere in the druid forums, I'll have to go digging for it.|||Quote:

The first draft is looking pretty good. It might be worth including a link to TheDragoons wereform IAS/FHR calculator somewhere for a reference. Just remember the feral rage output from the calculator is incorrect. There is a discussion about this somewhere in the druid forums, I'll have to go digging for it.

No it doesn't. It say Fortitude has DR and lacks Structure. Sorry.|||cormac mcart, what are you talking about?

there is disscusion in the old wolfbarb guide also (wolfbarb speed attack)...|||Quote:

No it doesn't. It say Fortitude has DR and lacks Structure. Sorry.

I beg to differ, it has pretty good structure and makes an easy read.

I was also thinking that enigma might be a good choice of armor, let's you stat more to vita and gives some frw on top of 2 skills and some dr%.

I also agree that maxing natural resistance is a waste of skill points. The diminishing returns hit hard.

Absorb cap??

Anybody know the CAPS for

lighting absorb

cold absorb

fire absorb

poison absorb?

like 2 dwarf rings is 15% each so a total of 30% fire absorb.. is their a cap?|||I believe the cap for % absorb is 40%. Since, in theory, 50% absorb will cause you to heal back as much damage as you take, this sort of makes sense.

Integer absorb, on the other hand, has no cap, and can be stacked to make you immune to a particular element.|||There's no such thing as poison absorb. Sorry. You cannot be healed by Poison like you could be healed by Fire, Cold or Lightning. There's Poison Length Reduction.

Best All-round Setup For Pvp Javazon -> Lightning Based

i need some constructive opinions for best all round set up for pvp light java.

aim is minimum equipment change for different opponents, high survivability (covered resists, dr, blocking), high damage, manouvribility (prefer running vs teleport), maximum or close to maximum attack speed (matriarchal javelin needs 89 ias for throw, 95 ias for cs)

helm: grifon or 2 ama 30 frw 2 sox (what jewels?)

amulet: cats eye or mara?

weapon: eth uped titans vs t- stroke 4 java skills (both? so not to stat around titans?)

armor: enigma, coh, life/24 fhr armor 60ias/60@ or 20-20 rbfs

shield: storm (rbf or ias ***), sanctuary hyperion, 3 sox tower of deflecting (rbfs or @/ias jwels). jmod is out of question

gloves: 3-20 or 2-20 adds. knockback usefull or contraproductive whenn using cs?

belt: t-god, arach, nosferatu. bug belt out of question

rings: raven mandatory. other?

boots: rare (frw,fhr, res), aldurs, stormtrek, dancers?

at the moment i have 9 java 7 frw skillers

bow on switch as option? faith or 100 % ow bow for es sorcs? no? wand with lower resists charges?|||have you read this?|||I have access to Ekorren's java, i'll log in later tonight and post his pub setup. Apart from a 60-60 JMoD you can take his gear choices for consideration


Pub setup:

Griffons socketed 5/5 die

crafted amulet with 10 frw, mass life and cold res

enigma ringmail


60/60 jmod

gloves 2 java 20 ias 15 dex and some resistances

rare belt with fhr, str, res and life.


crafted ring with huge life and decent resistances (and high light resistance)

hotties (?) - they are currently worn by the ama, boots in stash are rare antilight boots, sandstorm treks, and waterwalks, one of the three last pairs were probably the main boots.

inventory: torch, anni, 9 java lifers, a mix of life res and fhr res scs.

Items in stash are Kira socketed with lo rune, a dwarf, a wisp projector, a bk ring, Highlord's wrath.

That's about it I'm quite sure he used a stormshield at first and then upgraded to JMoD.

Switch is cta and spirit.|||Quote:

have you read this?


uncle thanks for tested set up, altough looks low on frw/fcr department.

one interesting option i have stumbled on is uped mosers shield (uped gives better block %). as i sad jmod is out of option so i have best next thing - 3 sox tower of deflecting

currently available equipment is :

griffon, 2 ama 30 frw 2 sox (2x 7fhr/10@/9 str/30ed)

cats, mara, rare 2 ama adds

t-stroke, titans

4 sox fhr/life armor, enigma, coh

storm, 3 sox tower of deflacting, sanctuary

3 java 20 ias gloves

arach, t-god, fhr/str/life belt


ama torch, anni 9 frw skillers|||Quote:


uncle thanks for tested set up, altough looks low on frw/fcr department.

I'll poke him on MSN and ask about it. He can't find his LoD disc so he can't install the game atm |||Hi, this may seem a bit offtopic, but does he use str bug to equip his gear?

And how do you handle absorbers? |||Quote:


uncle thanks for tested set up, altough looks low on frw/fcr department.

one interesting option i have stumbled on is uped mosers shield (uped gives better block %). as i sad jmod is out of option so i have best next thing - 3 sox tower of deflecting

currently available equipment is :

griffon, 2 ama 30 frw 2 sox (2x 7fhr/10@/9 str/30ed)

cats, mara, rare 2 ama adds

t-stroke, titans

4 sox fhr/life armor, enigma, coh

storm, 3 sox tower of deflacting, sanctuary

3 java 20 ias gloves

arach, t-god, fhr/str/life belt


ama torch, anni 9 frw skillers

-Griffons over that silly rare zon circlet

-I would think you would go for cats, since you seem to be stressing frw

-keep both strokes and titans

-A 60.60 fhr armor isnt a bad choice, if you can hit 86 fhr, you will have a much easier time against wind druids, and hitting 99ias is always nice

-If you go 86 fhr you would probably need spirit here. If not I'd go with ss. You have plenty of damage verses anything that is not absorbing you.

- fhr belt.

- raven+bul|||Quote:

I'll poke him on MSN and ask about it. He can't find his LoD disc so he can't install the game atm

if he knows cd key i think he can downloaded from blizzard site

if someone wants to absorb you, there is nothing you can do. i know from first time experience (smiter with 95 % res+wisp+stack to cover conviction)

only option is maybe to hybrides with poison or bow. not sure is good to bother with that at all|||Quote:

i need some constructive opinions for best all round set up for pvp light java.

aim is minimum equipment change for different opponents, high survivability (covered resists, dr, blocking), high damage, manouvribility (prefer running vs teleport), maximum or close to maximum attack speed (matriarchal javelin needs 89 ias for throw, 95 ias for cs)

All those are impossible to perfectly cover, you know. What you do is keep several things average and stress on like two.


helm: grifon or 2 ama 30 frw 2 sox (what jewels? - depends on)

amulet: cats eye or mara?

weapon: eth uped titans vs t- stroke 4 java skills (both? so not to stat around titans?)

armor: enigma, coh, life/24 fhr armor 60ias/60@ or 20-20 rbfs

shield: storm (Ber-ed), sanctuary hyperion, 3 sox tower of deflecting (rbfs or @/ias jwels). jmod is out of question

gloves: 3-20 or 2-20 adds. knockback usefull or contraproductive whenn using cs?

belt: t-god, arach, nosferatu. bug belt out of question

rings: raven mandatory. SoJ.

boots: rare (frw,fhr, res), aldurs, stormtrek, dancers?

at the moment i have 9 java 7 frw skillers

This above.


bow on switch as option? faith or 100 % ow bow for es sorcs? no? wand with lower resists charges?

CtA Bow unless you wish to Pre-Bo every now and then.


if he knows cd key i think he can downloaded from blizzard site

if someone wants to absorb you, there is nothing you can do. i know from first time experience (smiter with 95 % res+wisp+stack to cover conviction)

only option is maybe to hybrides with poison or bow. not sure is good to bother with that at all

If someone chooses to absorb you you can do little in Solo PvP but if you have a couple of friends, one with Conviction Pal and one with Novamancer - there's nothing the Absorber can do to prevent being heavily Injured in that Battle.

Those Hybrids with Plague and Bow are pretty much Different Chars. You either choose L Java or a Hybrid.|||The setup i'm using is what i find best for pub game

The setup mikey said is 99% correct.

The boots im using are either waterwalks or res boots, i might use treks sometimes.

My fcr seems a bit low, but it's enough to catch people with, if you face casters that doesnt abs the **** out of me, it only takes one or two teleports for me to kill.

At first i did use sanctuary troll nest for the res, but moved on to jmod, i do use stormshield sometimes vs paladins or barbarians.

I use raven + crafted ring with life + res mainly, but switch to bk sometimes.

When facing absorbers, i try to kill them, and sometimes i do when they havent stacked enough, but 95% of the time i ignore them and just focus on other people.

I've tested alot of different setups, and this is the one i find working for me

If you need any advice on how to kill different chars you can pm me, or just having questions on my equipment and stats.

I have been playing javazon alot, the only char i never deleted or got bored of.

pvp healerdin

is a healerdin a viablle build 4 a pvp team dueler|||I used to have a build that fits that general description. It wasn't focused on team healing, only self healing and it was lvl 42. I would call it a low level bm dueler.

It used max cleansing and prayer with a Bill/Partizan/Battle Scythe/Grim Scythe/Bec de Corbin insight as the main wep. Rest of the points went into charge and might, with the obvious 1 pt wonder in vigor. Might have also had Salvation.

The rest of the gear was a Sol'd Peasant Crown, a Sol'd Shaftstop, 2x Raven Frosts, 15% dr String of Ears, 65 life Waterwalks, Bloodfists, and a 30 res all 25 damage reduction amulet. I filled my inventory with + to Defensive Auras GC's and some random life/ar/resist SC's. I think I also had like an Obedience Partizan on switch to proc Enchant and for bigger dmg vs casters.

Basically, all the damage reduction plus all the healing made it pretty hard for other duelers to even damage me. Unless someone could kill me in 1 hit, I was usually able to heal back their damage.

All that, coupled with a decent charge with Insight/Obedience makes for a decent dueler. Just don't expect to beat good block characters or higher level characters.|||Healerdin is self-explanatory - he Heals Injuries, does not Cause Injuries.

He is a perfect Suporter, one of a kind.

Though a Hybrid Healer might be viable.

100% Smiter PvP Build Melee Only

Critique Please

This is 100% Smiter pvp melee duels build only

20 smite

20 fanat

20 holy shield

20 defiance

6 in pre-req skills(might, blessed aim, concentration, charge, holy bolt, blessed hammer)

86 Total Skills Used so Char lvl 75 to complete


Once again PvP Melee duels Only

Helm: Crown of Ages 2xBer

Armor: Chains of Honor

Weapon1: Grief PB (most dmg for smite)

Shield1: Eth Exile (most dmg for smite)

Weapon2: CTA 6BO

Shield2: Spirit

Gloves: Bloodfist for Smiter vs Smiter, Dracs vs anything else

Belt: Verdungo

2 Rings: BK // RavenFrost

Boots: Gore Riders

Ammy: Maras Ammy

can someone tell me

dmg reduce % -

ias % -

FHR % -

please anybody with different opinions or critiques are welcomed. just explain yourself when debating so we can understand your point of view. Thanks|||If you're melee only, fort gives higher damage|||48% fhr or 86 fhr.

dmg reduction should be at 50%, where it's capped.|||If you're going melee, I'd highly suggest the best Fortitude you can find as well. Of course, with Fortitude you wouldn't be able to hit the 50% damage reduction cap (you'll end up with 46%DR max), but I'd think it's a better investment in the long run.

Instead of a Grief PB, I'd personally use a Grief Zerker for pure PvP. Aside from the higher base damage, if I recall, Phase Blades have a weapon range of 2, where Berserker Axes 3--which would really help you out in hand to hand combat (or at least, not put you at a disadvantage).

You can calculate overall attacking speed here (provided you have all your gear/info ready).

You should also try to hit for 86% FHR. 200%, the next breakpoint, would be near impossible without Spirit (which Smiters don't need), unless you can find 9x 12FHR Combat skillers.

-Kinky|||Helm: Crown of Ages 2xBer

Armor: Chains of Honor You dont need resistance for melee duels, Fortitude provides better damage and Enigma gives faster run/walk and helps you reach max DR at 50% cap, plus nifty +2 skills

Weapon1: Grief PB (most dmg for smite) You want a Berserker Axe for PvP for better range, although Phase Blade saves you a lot of IAS. I would go for BA, but its all preference

Shield1: Eth Exile (most dmg for smite) Shield base is not important for damage in PvP, after all penalties and your enemies DR its so negligible. The damage comes from Grief. Plus Exile is bad mannered cuz of life tap. Best all round shields are HoZ (Ber it if you do not use Enigma), Ethereal Upd Zoded HoZ, or eth Zod Alma Negra.

Weapon2: CTA 6BO

Shield2: Spirit

Gloves: Bloodfist for Smiter vs Smiter, Dracs vs anything else Dracs are bad mannered

Belt: Verdungo

2 Rings: BK // RavenFrost

Boots: Gore Riders

Ammy: Maras Ammy Rare amulets are nice too, strength dex life skills, but ofc hard to come by

can someone tell me

dmg reduce % - 50% cap

ias % - use this to calculate how much necessary for PB / BA

FHR % - 48% or 86% breakpoints are the ones to aim for (5 or 4 frame)|||wanna duel my pure pvp vs melee only pure hammerdin when u finish?|||How about Shaft + Shako?|||Quote:

How about Shaft + Shako?

Budget items. Nothing more.|||...

This a troll thread or something?

sweetalmonds has the right idea.|||BvC > your smiter

where do people organise GM duels on west? and other (noob) questions..

I've been asking around and it seems like there is no real place to organise a GM duel on west. I'm a bit sick of pubs and I don't have that many friends to duel against. This has led me to a few questions..

1. is west dead? does everyone just duel on east? i saw alot of threads for organising gm duels on east on an unnamed trading site

2. how are people ranked? i always see people saying he's #1 blizz sorc, or bowzon, or whatever. well if there is no place to organise gm duels (that i'm aware of) then how can you have rankings?

3. is all this duel organisation/ranking business done between clans? this would explain why i feel like i know nothing about it

4. wtf is tpk and d2pk? i know they are some sort of dueling thing but what's the deal?

that's about all for now


PS if there's a site duelers use that you can't link just PM me - i'm not too sure about forum rules, etc|||You can assume that any self-proclaimed number 1 is not actually number 1.

I have a non ladder Nec and a ladder Barb.

I'm mostly on WC3, though.



You can assume that any self-proclaimed number 1 is not actually number 1.

You mean the thousands of #1's aren't actually #1? Fascinating.

@1. i dont want to get into a east vs west, but closed in general is dying.

@2. they claim #1. It's as easy as that.

@3. It used to be, but I think clans died out. There may be some, but not as prominent or good. =/

@4. private realms. Also dying.|||TPPK is Town Portal Player Kill/ing and D2PK is a Modified Realm where you don't bother with Leveling and can have 99 level character from the start ...|||You can also ask for GM TCP/IP Duels. Pings are often better if you have a good host.|||I used to run a legit dueling club on west back in 2002.

im thinking of coming out of retirement for the new ladder season in 1.13 and I may start it back up if i can get enough interest in it.|||I didn't play much D2PK but I found that the general skill level was much higher than your average bnet pub. You actually see BvC's/good ww sins/etc there but the people there are far from GM.

TPPK is a hack that takes you to town and hostiles everyone in literally 0 seconds. The idea is to cast some projectile (i.e. ice blast, blizzard) that usually one hit kills the victim. Obviously you don't see it too much in Softcore and tbh it's actually pretty funny when you do see it. I remember standing next to some random pally in a baal run and all of a sudden some sorc hostiled the whole party and he died lmao. But of course hacks like these ruin hardcore.|||I always enjoy GM duels, and I'm considering switching to West with the ladder reset, since my ping is about 80ms lower there. Can't remember why I chose East to begin with all those years ago, probably because it was larger.|||Quote:

I've been asking around and it seems like there is no real place to organise a GM duel on west. I'm a bit sick of pubs and I don't have that many friends to duel against. This has led me to a few questions..

1. is west dead? does everyone just duel on east? i saw alot of threads for organising gm duels on east on an unnamed trading site

2. how are people ranked? i always see people saying he's #1 blizz sorc, or bowzon, or whatever. well if there is no place to organise gm duels (that i'm aware of) then how can you have rankings?

3. is all this duel organisation/ranking business done between clans? this would explain why i feel like i know nothing about it

4. wtf is tpk and d2pk? i know they are some sort of dueling thing but what's the deal?

that's about all for now


PS if there's a site duelers use that you can't link just PM me - i'm not too sure about forum rules, etc

1. Quite a few people still duel on west, maybe more on east at this point I'm not sure.

2. There is no ranking except for some leagues for zeal and BvB that keep track. People just like to say #1.

3. The leagues and tourneys for zeal/bvb are done on JSP and I think d2pk might still do it.

4. tpk is team pk meaning team duels. tppk is the hack that people use in hardcore mostly to kill you. d2pk is a private server you can google it basically is just dueling server all leveling/gear is provided.|||Quote:

I always enjoy GM duels, and I'm considering switching to West with the ladder reset, since my ping is about 80ms lower there. Can't remember why I chose East to begin with all those years ago, probably because it was larger.

I can't speak for East as I never played there but I think the average bnetter on West is really ignorant, even more ignorant than other bnetters LOL

You wouldn't believe the pains I had to go through when trying to sell my eth Hoto, no one wanted it because "it would break".

need help with nova/es sorc

hi i'm planning to make a nova/es sorc, but i'm not 100% sure where i should put the extra skill points which is left after maxing the basic skills. at lvl 90 i will have 14 skill points left and i was thinking either lightning or thunderstorm.

if i use all skill points on lightning it would give 17-13335 dmg.

if thunderstorm 2337-2961.

both are without the +dmg from griff etc. so what would be the best option and would thunderstorm do any dmg at all?

edit: also wondering how much fhr i should try to reach. would there be any point to try reach the 86% breakpoint?|||Thunderstorm = Decent damage, and decent cast rate for it I suppose. But i'd prefer the Lightning synenergy every day... More synenergy = more damage = not as sorbable. a 1pt into thundersstorm wouldn't harm I guess.

Warmth is an option too.

FHR = Wouldn't know. Though you'd have an improvement against Trappers... You'll have no chance against a BvC - who's decent enough.... I might be missing somerthing as I am very very tired.|||Warmth gets my vote here, it helps increase your survivability.|||You really need 86% fhr on any sorc v all build imo.|||86fhr vs others, 142fhr vs sins/bvc.

The merc that hurts you when you hurt it.

I love my bva barb to death. but i want an interesting merc partner to make me have more fun!

i was thinking of thorns and attackers take damage of --.. with amp

just would like your input on what type of merc and exactly what kind of equipment are we talking about that will give me the best output..

thanks.|||Thorns is considered BM in pvp|||What about all the WW assassins that equip Bramble when fighting barbs?

I would have thought that using a Merc in PvP is more BM.|||Oh well sorry I didn't think about bm. But it's not like every pub game is gm and since it's a merc i wasn't planning on using it for everybody.|||Thorns is weak in PvP.|||On my old WWsin, I used to sometimes be able to kill smiters when they would attack my shadow when I was wearing Bramble. When a player has thorns, it is true that it is seriously nerfed in pvp. However, I believe the dmg penalty in pvp is less on minions and mercs. That's why summon druids w/ bramble and and that bow runeword with thorns and Spirit of Barbs work.|||what about iron maiden? I use to have a lot of fun vs barbs with my necro.|||Quote:

On my old WWsin, I used to sometimes be able to kill smiters when they would attack my shadow when I was wearing Bramble. When a player has thorns, it is true that it is seriously nerfed in pvp. However, I believe the dmg penalty in pvp is less on minions and mercs. That's why summon druids w/ bramble and and that bow runeword with thorns and Spirit of Barbs work.

Could be, perhaps, I'm not sure about Minions. Perhaps it is the same for Iron Maiden.|||I believe I've heard of necs creating bone walls and then casting IM on barbs in some duels. I would imagine that most people would consider this pretty bad mannered though.|||Quote:

I believe I've heard of necs creating bone walls and then casting IM on barbs in some duels. I would imagine that most people would consider this pretty bad mannered though.

haha, probably, it's really funny though

What we need around here... a nice team pvp guide. I'm sure that collectively we could write up something useful.|||I think there already is one around.

edit: oh, you meant a good one, right?|||let's discriminate and be cold bastards!

How do *you* begin this thing

I want to be an observer to watch this deformity grow... and outgrow the already existing - guide.|||Telezeal 1hit KaBOOM ?!?|||lolololol

wait what?|||I think I could participate in one way or another. |||mm i have some time today... i can just jot some themes/concepts... and cover strategies/tactics for each character class, rather than trying to figure out how each team combination should fight each other... ahem|||It seems that this thread can be closed now = Guide to Team Dueling v 1.0

Quick bone necro question

I am playing pub and I plan on going the "BM" layout in Xombie's necro guide.

Is it worth putting a point into golem mastery and summon resist? Namely, is the more durable golem worth the loss in damage that you'll suffer?|||Quote:

is the more durable golem worth the loss in damage that you'll suffer?

You'll lose 2points. I'd say it's worth it.|||I'd say they're one of those "one point wonders" that definitely come in handy.

Help with PvP WW Barb Build

Hey everyone,

I'm fairly new to diablo 2 so I'm going to need a bit of help with this, okay.. My goal is to create a pure pvp WW barb but I don't know much about it, so I was wondering if anyone could help me figure out which skills I should max and put into, and which gear i should be shooting for. (doesnt matter how expensive the gear is because I can afford).. I was just playing in a few duel games and I ran across this guy who was playing a ww barb and he was pretty much dominating the room, and i just thought it was kinda cool and i liked the idea of a ww barb.. considering ive been playing with my only char i have (which is my trapsin)... So if anyone could help me out that would be great... Just for purposes.... [ I'm on USWEST / LADDER ] ... Thanks alot guys/girls.|||two guides can be found here:

welcome to the forum

Also, remember to only post one thread on a particular subject in the subforum that you consider most appropriate. Posting in multiple subs is considered spam |||kk thankss

Partner for PvP Bone Necro

Hey guys,

My friend and I are trying to get back into d2, especially the pvp parts of it. I want to make a pvp bone necro fully equipped with curses (if necessary), what should he make?

-tinn|||Hi, jieshi.

He should make whatever he finds fun.

If you want to play together, make a physical damage char: bowazon, barb, smiter.

Or you can use Lower Resist and he can make elemental damage char. But that would require a lot of points used in curses.

Don't you still have your javazon?|||windyortrapper|||Quote:

Hi, jieshi.

He should make whatever he finds fun.

If you want to play together, make a physical damage char: bowazon, barb, smiter.

Or you can use Lower Resist and he can make elemental damage char. But that would require a lot of points used in curses.

Don't you still have your javazon?

yeah, the javazon is still going strong.

what do you guys think about a ghost or ww/trap?|||To partner with a nec..

I'd like a bow/windy

Possibly barb/ghost or the similar|||Trapper or bvc. The leap/mindblast = Invaluable for a bone necro.

A ww trapper would be good, yes.

The amplify damage thing will do wonders for the bvc. (Deceph = bm?)|||BvC, of course, LOL.|||Quote:

BvC, of course, LOL.

this. and don't forget to use oak from hoto.|||Quote:

BvC, of course, LOL.


this. and don't forget to use oak from hoto.

And make sure you regularly Amplify and the Barb constantly Leaps when he doesn't Whirls or Teles.|||Dangerous opponents for necros are wind druids and some sorcs, and assassins, so...a barb would counter those. So would another assassin, but less effectively against other assassins. But more effectively against the other two.

I can show you my ghost if you're still online these days. And my BvA.

Ooh, and always use Bone Prison on non-tele chars. Mwahahaha! Make them cry!

Ghost Shell Trapper Strengths and Weaknesses

I'm trying to build one right now. I think it will be strong against most melee, but weaker against Necs/Hammerdins/other Trappers. What do you guys think? I'm looking at lower life , but max DR/Block.|||i don't even know what you mean by "ghost shell". is that like a trapper with a chaos?|||Ghost Shell

-102% FCR

-86% FHR


-Max block



+2 Assassin 20% FCR 30% IAS 30% res circlet


15% IAS SS


10% FCR/dex/mana/life/res


Phase Blade Spirit


Maras or better rare








FHR/Res/Dex or Str



Loose outline.|||why not just 102 c\c it and build for fade? thats what my clan trapper is right now, complete with the 1 point in wof.|||Quote:

why not just 102 c\c it?

Can't afford? :O|||griffons really isn't that bad of a choice |||Quote:

griffons really isn't that bad of a choice

LCS? No thanks. Getting the claws would be killer. |||if you do use a w/s 102 build, i think a dungos + 2 fcr ammy + whistans will be better. theres no point in wasting points into dex for block with a SS when you get DR from fade etc.|||Warning: thread hijacking :smiley:

Since w/s 102 fcr max block sins are topic: what do you guys prefer, spirit & fade or hoto & bos? I like hoto setup more, mostly for much faster running speed and option to use Oak charges.|||I think I'd rather use Spirit / Fade for the stronger resists/DR/FHR. I don't use Oak that much on Trappers.

Rollback Technique

I've heard of a pvp pally technique called roll back~

anyone have any idea what it is?

Pally Overpowered?

Here is my mini rant. It seems like just about every pubby duel game I join is filled to the brim with everyone's fave holy warrior. It could be my noobsauce and lack of skill with my lvl 80 WW barb but I have seen my fair share of disgustingly powerful pallys. In particular, a lvl 59 smiter had his way last night and served me a new one. My build seems like it is solid with max block, max mastery, max WW and max B.O. but I still stood little chance. I'm using Grief with SS for most melee duels. Are they just godly? Do I just suck? School me please.

EDIT: I'm axe mastery FYI...not sure if that is useful or not.|||Honestly, I don't think an 80 barb should be dying to a 59 Smiter.

He might have had some amazingly godly gear or you may have to rethink some stuff.|||yah, if a lvl80 barb is losing to a lvl59 smiter, it's because the barb is doing silly things like whirling directly at the smiter.

but yes, as a general rule of thumb: pallys are overpowered.|||You could bot a smiter and beat melee chars. The only pally that's not OP is an auradin and that's only because they're completely gimp. You can think Blizzard for never coming close to figuring out how to balance things in pvp even after all this time.|||Quote:

You could bot a smiter and beat melee chars.

except for WW, you're largly correct.


You can think Blizzard for never coming close to figuring out how to balance things in pvp even after all this time.

Blizzard has never even attempted to balance D2 for PvP. afaik: they have specifically avoided doing so.

which is why PvP balance is one of the things i hope they'll be spending a lot of time on with D3.

once you've beaten the game, the only thing left to beat is other players |||lvl59 has access to end game rw with high runes like grief, fort, cta and the fact that smiter only needs to max 3 skills, the level difference and your gear maybe not as good is not surprising he could win.

also i think blizz has a thing with pallys cuz pallys in WoW are absurdly op as well|||Look at it this way, at least you didn't have to dodge invisible hammer fields.|||Paladins are not overpowered. That is all.|||Ok i have beaten many a smiter with just an IK build

here is the tip to always beating them.

when they attack you. ww away from them. this way you will hit them continiously

while they will hit nothing

I could kill just about anything apart from a hammerdin (ok and light javs were hard as well). for that you need a ranged character.

Personally i think that a WW barb is the best PvP character in the game for melee

for Casters go with a charger/smiter

I ran through other characters using just a IK maul. think about dual EBOTD zerkers. nothing lives.|||gg WW barb>gg smiter

I think you should listen to some advice on to use u r range as deciding how to win the duel.

Suggestions, tips for my FOH paladin

Ok so I have used no points or anything but I'm looking just looking for tips, suggestions of the items I'm looking to get so far etc. Before anyone goes into saying they're dupes, I don't have them yet.

FOH stick

20/20 armor

20/20 pally or monarch shield

griffons with 5/5


arachnid mesh


2x sojs

etheral sandstorm treks

9x pcombs



would that be real godly? about how much damage would that do. also instead of the 20/20 armor should I be using a COH or enigma? just like item suggestions, and how much FHR should i have for a FoH. what switch items, like if i'm fighting a windy, or if people start to staack vs. me. also can someone tell me diff between Hoz and 20/20, soj and bk etc for a Foh paladin.|||You are going to be pubbing over 1v1 right?

If you are pubbing then you'll never use the gear you listed out above unless you 1v1 a hdin

In a pub there are always a mixture of element+physical damage or whatever and you are seriously lacking both damage reduction and resist.

It's best you get a steady build/gear and only have minor switches for specific classes like other fohers,blizz.

Once again if you are playing a pub, everybody will stack you. You'd see kiras ort'd, mass p topaz shield, light res aura itself, fade prebuff.

How does a foh varient sound or do you want to remain pure foh?

Anyways, fohers tend to use spirit in high res and perf fcr along with enigma. They will use either trang/bloodfist or arachnids/dungos/tgods to hit fcr bp. When they go spirit, they get high fhr and fcr at once along with great resist.. You pretty much kill 3 flaws at once.

BK vs SoJ - You can use mana pots, bk gives 40+ life (Non bo-able)|||In my book, pure FoH'ers are never godly (I don't hesitate to use massive sorb because I hate FoH). You will end up being sorbed a lot because:

1. They have to because you are so bent on lowering their resists.

2. When they finally get to a reasonable point, many aren't going to stop and will negate your foh to nothing.

3. FoH requires little skill to use and is auto-hit, imagine that. The strategy ends up being run + FOH most of the time, and this ticks many people off (me included).|||I'd really recommend a varient of some sort.



Anything with foh! pure fohers are really ez to anybody even decent.|||My un-faceted HoZ adds 1.9k Damage to my FoH ..

20-20 Shield adds about 1.1k Damage.

Not to mention, Faceted HoZ will be 2.2k Damage + other nice mods.

As for the Armor, I'd say give it a try.

I'm looking at finding that armor, Using enigma right now .. Im guessing it'll help a lot, So give it a try.

With all your gear you'll peak at around 10k Damage, Which in my opinion is overkill .. You should trash a couple Pcombs and replace with Life + FHR or Res + FHR SC's.

If you can get intense FHR, You can stand in one spot and basically tank the melee's (don't ask me why, it just seems to happen that way :P)|||Quote:

My un-faceted HoZ adds 1.9k Damage to my FoH ..

20-20 Shield adds about 1.1k Damage.

Not to mention, Faceted HoZ will be 2.2k Damage + other nice mods.

As for the Armor, I'd say give it a try.

I'm looking at finding that armor, Using enigma right now .. Im guessing it'll help a lot, So give it a try.

With all your gear you'll peak at around 10k Damage, Which in my opinion is overkill .. You should trash a couple Pcombs and replace with Life + FHR or Res + FHR SC's.

If you can get intense FHR, You can stand in one spot and basically tank the melee's (don't ask me why, it just seems to happen that way :P)

Life FHR isn't possible on charms. Just try and reach 86%fhr bp, don't see why you'd need something else unless *assa*. Use 20/5's.

I'd probably keep all the Pc's. The less you have, the more sorbable you become. *no* whatever too tired. And you're probably talking about pvm... I hope.

And 1+pt for FoH varaints rather than pure FoH|||I agree with everyone else. Pure FoH is pretty weak. (cept for NK TGing)

I have a VT myself, but Mages also do well.

Join A Duel Clan (DfL)

Heyz... so it's quick and simple here. If you wanna join a LoD dueling clan contact me in the address below at the end of the post. So the clan is LoD Nonladder. Send me a message for more information if you're interested...


(I hope this is not called merchandising or whatever it was that it mentioned in the rules )|||Player Matchup forum.|||Well I put one there also

And btw it's Europe realm then...|||DFL is a band.

Dead F*cking Last.|||It's also a band? How interesting... :yep:|||What's it mean here, Dueling For Life?|||Duel for Life (not dueling... )|||Lookin for ladder clan I'm a �ber/pva smiter I'm in west ladder MSG me if u need a member|||Quote:

Lookin for ladder clan I'm a �ber/pva smiter I'm in west ladder MSG me if u need a member

This thread is from 2004 so I think you will need to look further

Next time try to pay attention to the date a thread got posted.

Or just make your own thread in the Player Matchup forum.

edit: It seems that both your posts are bumps in ancient threads, you should definitely pay attention to when stuff was posted. Thread necromancy is usually frowned upon.

Teleport Question.

I have a quick question. I'm doing a PVP tourney on a private D2 server. On this server there are no enigma runewords atm cause the server is very new. Now my question to you is do you think it would be unfair to allow sorc to use teleport when no other classes wil able to? Please give a reason if you say yes/no.|||it's perfectly fair for the sorceress to use one of her class skills. other characters can get items with charges of teleport if they really want teleport. heck, up until 1.10, that was the only way for non-sorks to get teleport (not including assassin's dragon flight).|||You're playing on a pretty bad private server.

Apart from that, I'm guessing the server uses 1.09 or earlier, in which case there are no synergies either. So I think it's definitely fair for sorceress to teleport. I also recommend you review the guide for the #1 PvP char in pre 1.10.|||I'd worry more about charge.|||Almost any Sorceress without Teleport is, hmm ... doomed.|||no it is not unfair for only sorcs to teleport. as someone who rarely duels where teleport is available to non sorcs i've found that a large amount of frw makes a character just as mobile as teleport.

i've also dueled sorcs that were banned from using teleport and they are just as viable and dangerous as ones with it despite what Carnoc says.

PVP psn necro build

ok i made this build for a couple of reasons 1- you do not see all that many out there and 2- it does do ok in the pvp scene. now for all you "godly" d2 pvp players out there no this build is not the elite of the elite i have won duels and i have lost duels with this build. an no i am sorry i don't have the most godly gear i play non ladder and i am not rich sad to say. an this is just the way i built this guy and it is just my opinion you guys build it how you want it. also if anyone has any nice comments of how to upgrade this build let me know and let me know how you build it.

first of is the skills and my guy is lv 90 as of now

20- psn dagger

20- psn explosion

20- psn nova

10-lower res you can max if you want to but i went with 10 because your gear will give you plenty of plus skills.

1-fire golem

1-bone wall

11 goes into your required skills

rest of points into bone armor

now i went with a point into bone wall to boost my bone armor with the plus skills. 1 point goes into fire golem so that his fire aura will finish off your opponent.

now for my stats with no gear on

strength- 60

dexterity- 25

vitality- 360

energy- 30



1. enigma

2. bramble

now i went with enigma for the teleport of course how ever you can alos use bramble for a armor because of its increase to poison dmg. also gives some good faster hit recovery.


1. shako of ages

3. rare necro helm

i chose the shako for the good boost to life and mana and some dmg reduce and of course the plus skills. i also put a 5/5 psn facet in it00.

now you could also use the crown of ages it gives you a plus skill as well as giving you dmg reduce, faster hit recovery and some resistance. the down side to it is the high str requirement on it.

you can also use a rare necro helm that will give you plus to poison and bone skills and the more open soc's in it the better.


1. trangs

2. mage fist

now i went with the trang gloves for the psn skill dmg boost and the faster cast rate but if you only have mage fist laying around you can use that as well.


1. Arachnid Mesh

2. string of ears

i went with the arach belt for the skill plus, increase to mana and the faster cast rate. you could also go with string of ears for the dmg reduce.


1. marrow walks

2. water walks

i went with the marrow walks for the increase to strength and dex, and the whole bone prison bug. now you could also go with water walks for the big boost to life and the dex it gives.


1. Homunculus

2. Darkforce Spawn

now this once is a toss up both are good i went with the homunculus for the mana boost and the Resistance. now if you want to go for skills then darkforce is the better choice giving you plus 3 to all skills. but for me the resistance made the choice for me. also i put a 5/5 psn facet in it.


1. deaths web wand

2. heart of the oak

i went with the death web wand here for the plus to skills and - psn res to enemy i also put a 5/5 psn facet it the wand. now you could go with the hoto for this one it will give you plus skills and some resistance.

also on switch i have a cta and a spirit sheild

now for the amy and rings i went with 2 soj's ans a mara's amy.

went with mara's for the skills and the resistance. you could also go with a necro skill amy if you wanted.

as far as charms go with poison and bone gcs try to get life mods on them. also get some resistance charms just to max you out. an of course a necro torch and a anni.


now you want to open up in town by casting bone armor and fire golem. then you open your duel up with the lower resistance curse and then just teleport and spam nova. now if your not likeing your fire golem killing them you can put a point into bone spear and finish it with that.

an i am sorry i don't have charts and pie graphs up for frames rates and that other pvp stuff. i don't really get into that i mean its a game guys i make builds and have fun. also sorry if the posting format is not the greatest this is my first build post and i am playing with ideas so let me know if the way i did it is good or if i should find another way. good luck dueling and most important have fun.|||Nice of you writing a build, however, I think if you make a poison necro, you have 2 choices:

Either you go with trangoull equipment, which has many advantages (I think there is a guide in the stickies), like being really cheap and where you don't need fcr.

Or you go with a enigma build, where you try to aim for 125 fcr, (or at the very least 75). At the moment you have 70 fcr, so if you get a fcr ring or amulet (I'd swap a soj for it), your speed will rise quit a bit.

In your build you should also give the option to go for a max block build. Also, another place to put your remaining points in is teeth, with the higher radius is it a nice move to get that final hp down.|||As struikje said, a max block option would be very useful. Especially if you plan to use Bramble, because if you can't teleport and you have no block, you're going down.

Also, the marrowalk bug was fixed, so that advantage of using marrowalks is gone. On the other hand, they're still decent boots

It is also not worth putting points into Bone Armor. Putting points into its synergies (Bone wall/prison) gives more damage absorbed per skill point invested than points into Bone Armor.

smite/hammer dueler help

im going to make a smite/hammer hybred dueler soon and have a couple questions. my current plan for skills is max blessed aim/vigor/conc/fanat and rest hammer. i plan to use 9 pcombat 40+lifers and hammer will about 15 hard points by the time the char is done so i should be looking at some great hammer damage with that. but i cant decide if fanat is really needed and if not what other skill. also wondering if i should use pb or zerk. if theres some chart i missed with smite ias bp's with each weapon and fanat on/off please le met know.

also of note the character will be running a constant 125%fcr|||make a liberator.

ES Orber, Gear + stats

I was planning on making a ES Orber with the following gear/skill/stats:

Skill build is obvious: 20 frozenorb, 20 ice bolt, 20 cold mastery, 20 TK, rest into ES. 1 point warmth/teleport. Are any of the cold armors worth it? The general consensus seems to be that Chilling Armor does NOT reflect stuff in PvP, so I may skip on armor.

Gear: Target FCR breakpoint is 105 of course and 86 FHR.

Nightwings w/ cold facet

Fathom w/ Cold Facet

Ormus, +3 ES w/ Cold Facet

35 FCR spirit monarch


2 x soj



I have a nice +2 cold, 10 FCR with resists amulet, should work perfectly

Torch, anni

Skillers: I think I may just go with plain skillers, maybe a 12 FHR one to get me to 86 FHR. I should have lots of mana anyway with 2 soj/frostburns. I may consider swapping Treks for silkweave.

Stats: I get +19 to all skills so I will probably have around level 25-30 ES. I believe this will be around 80% ES, can't tell for sure because Indiablo's site is down atm. I don't really like to prebuff with Memory staves and the like. Now as I don't have a 95 ES build, going base vita would be rather foolish. What would be a good spot to hit vitality to, before pumping the rest of the points in energy? I think 100 would do, any tips?

Resists are low but as this is ES build, it shouldn't be that big of a problem.

I end up with exactly 105 FCR, with maximum mana and very powerful damage. With 1 FHR cold GC, I get 86 FHR as well. As I am playing pubs I think the lack of a block is perfectly fine as everyone in pub is either hammerdin/smiter/sorc/FC zon etc...|||Dont go orber, at least not for pubs. 1 raven is usually enough to wreck your orb apart, and natural-raving-using chars such as bowzons, barbs and melee palas will completely own you, and thats like 1/3 of all pubs. Es sorcs are very difficult aswell, since orb just sucks against them. Hybridsins takes no dmg with their fade either and ow/poison kills you immediately. Same with winddruids, cyclone armor can take a ton of orbs and they always recast it when its wearing out. Imo orb is not good for pubs, but a very nice GM 1v1 char |||Quote:

Dont go orber, at least not for pubs. 1 raven is usually enough to wreck your orb apart, and natural-raving-using chars such as bowzons, barbs and melee palas will completely own you, and thats like 1/3 of all pubs. Es sorcs are very difficult aswell, since orb just sucks against them. Hybridsins takes no dmg with their fade either and ow/poison kills you immediately. Same with winddruids, cyclone armor can take a ton of orbs and they always recast it when its wearing out. Imo orb is not good for pubs, but a very nice GM 1v1 char

Wow, didn't know that one raven could mess up the orber that badly. But then again, my bone nec didn't wear a raven, maybe that's why he got owned |||Well its not that u cant kill people that are using 1 raven, its just that it nerfs orbers so much. As the dmg is dealt from multiple sources, absorb tend to wreck it a lot more than other elemental attacks.

Although, people that don't sorb gets killed very quickly

affects of desync

im really new to pvp, and ive head that desync is pretty much the nuts.. how do you do it? Ive heard easiest way is to charge with pally and use vigor aura.. i really wanna make a decent pvp pally but basically eveything ive tried has failed.. how does desync work and what advantage will it give me? Also on a pally what is good to go with desync? Charge or smite?? or sumthin else?|||charge + use vigor and swoop around. You'll notice the effects.

It will confuse the opponent; you'll not be directly tracable on the mini-map. The opponent will not be able to see you actually charging at them at times.

Can't really say any paladin build that doesn't use charge at times.

lvl 49 Thunderstorm soso dueller

Im thinking of making this one. Focussing only on thunderstorm. Always hits, no skill required just tele around. Kind of like the auradin of low lvls.

Max thunderstorm

Max Light mastery

like 1 point in es

max telekenesis.

Should be around 6x, with the skill quests doable.

Q1: Will this work, do enough dmg?

Now for gear:

Weapon: Spirit cs. (maybe even just all facets?)

Armor: viper with facet

Shield: blocking shield with 2 facets

Helm: 3 socketed tiara with 3 facets?

Boots: whatever

Belt: Whatever

Gloves: Frostburn.

Rings: 2x soj

10 light skillers in invent.

High mana, good es, and autoaim damage.

Like this build? Got something to ad?? plz do so.|||slvl. Mana. Damage. Frequency. Bolts. Duration (sec).

49. 19. 514-613. 1.08. 385. 416.

(Note: Bolt frequency is measured in terms of the minimum number of seconds between shots. After casting the spell, it resets its timer and has a "warm-up" period before the first bolt is fired. This warm-up period is roughly equal to the frequency of the current slvl of the spell.)

i took this for the Thunderstorm specs tread in the sorc guides

so all thx to Danc133 for post it^^

PS with all those +light skills and stuff you might as well max ES too and make her harder to kill^^|||Consider using low str infinity as weapon. Imo infy + normal ts owns most people in a minute or so .|||yeah because infinity is only lvl 49 req /sarcasm

i think you'd do better as a real dueling character. lvl 49 is a very competitive level and you'll get easy'd by chargers with a thunderstorm build. it doesnt do enough quick enough.|||Ah sorry, thought he meant that he was gonna have a level 49 thunderstorm skill |||too bad to hear that. I met a soso once in a low duel game which was pure thunderstorm and pretty sexy. All light sosos are sexy coz of telekenesis is very high and they just soj their mana to HUGE amounts.

But its easy sorbably by 1 thundergods. But then again. All elements are sorbable. Is that a reason to not use elements? If they sorb just rj with lbl 90 and nk them to smitherines.

What are THE lvl 49 chars? Nec?|||the one's i've met that were top notch seemed to be:

blizz sorc

foh din


ww barb


there are also quite a few bowazons running around doing a bunch of damage, though some of those (including mine) are lvl 50.

keep in mind that i dont MLD much, but these are the ones i've seen a bit of they all had top notch gear including life/faceted armors and the like. i just dont think that tstorm will work on anyone that is even half prepared. i'm sure you'll be able to kill idiot higher levels, but any decent LLD or MLD character could do that.|||why do you have a lvl 50 bowa?

thnx for the advice. Im not rich enough to try thunderstorm soso (however its still a very sexy idea)

ill pbb try the blizz soso or the baba. Found a 3s 13ed legend sword good for the aoth.|||the cat's eye amulet is lvl 50 req.|||lol thats cheese